Chapter 9

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Erika's pov

i woke at 10. then i got excited cause i realized i'm finally gonna go out with Jake. i looked at my phone and jake texted me.

i finally changed his name.

texts -

Jake😊: goodmorning beautiful

i smiled so hard. ahhh

E: good morning Jakey

Jake😊: so where imma take you is this place called benihana's

Jake😊:you can look it up and decide however you want to dress

E: okay then i'll see you in a couple of hours

Jake😊:okay beautiful

end of texts

throughout the whole conversation i was smiling. he's so goddamn cute. i cant wait i wanna kiss him. but i can't. i'm not gonna kiss on the first date though.. gotta keep them guessing you know.

i ate breakfast with amanda and i told her that where he was taking me and blah blah. she told me that it was good spot to eat. and that she'd help me with my outfit. 

Jake's pov


damn i gotta get ready. im so excited for the date. i don't even know what to wear.

i was looking through my clothes. oh i got it!

i got this beige t-shirt. some blue jean shorts. and beige air jordans.

i showered. then i changed. then a i put some gel on my hair. then i put cologne and brush my teeth.

it's 6:57 perfect timing let's go.

Erika's pov

amanda was suppose to help me get ready but she had to go to a meeting so i guess i'm on my own. it's i first date i feel like i should wear a dress.

i look through my clothes. oh i got it.

i started getting ready. i did my makeup and hair. then i finally finished. this was my final look......

 this was my final look

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it was 6:58. perfect timing.

Jake's pov

i was walking to Erika's place. i knocked on the door. and took her like a minute to open. and when she did. oh my lord jesus christ. she looked so fucking good. i started getting a boner. i'm trying to stop it. she's so beautiful. my eyes lit up.

J: wow you look amazing

she smiles. ahhh her smile.

E: thank you don't look so bad yourself

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