Chapter 14

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*3 days later*

Jake's pov

i haven't went to acting classes. i feel like fucken shit. i miss her so much. even though she wouldn't want to talk to me i would love to see her. i'm gonna find her and im gonna kill whoever took her.

i walked out of the apartments towards the direction of the house were someone took her . i was hoping that where ever she's at she's not far. i'm walking and walking and it's like dead silent. no cars. i make a left on a street and it's a dead end. i walk around it to make sure i don't see a red van. as i'm walking there's a big car that's covered. hmm i walk a little closer but there's a guy there. i ain't tryna seem like a creep. fuck a smart choice would've been to ask carlos what the guy looked like. i mean this guy looks a little sus but i doubt it. he looks like if he was in his 40's or 50's a little bit of gray hair. kinda big. and his clothes look dirty. i don't know if it's him though. i start walking back to my apartment.

once i get there i called carlos since i had his number.

on the phone-

C: hey jake what's up

J: hi uh do you remember what the guy looked like ?

C: uh let me think. it was kinda dark but he looked kinda old

J: mm maybe like his 40's or 50's

C: uh could be he was kinda big

J: for real

C: yeah

J: damn alright thanks carlos

C: anytime glad i can help

end of call

what if it was that guy. whatever tomorrow i'm gonna confront him. i have to.

Erika's pov

wow it's been 3 fucking days since i been here. i bet no one's even looking for me. victor feeds me and let's me go pee surprisingly. i was sitting on the floor eating. he untied me cause he would lock the attic so i wouldn't escape. i needa get out of this place.

couple minutes later he comes up.

V: so a couple of my buddies are coming in a bit

i just sit there and continue eating my food.

V: i'm telling you this right now. if you make any noise that makes my buddies suspect something.. i swear i'll beat the crap out of you okay

i nod.

V: good i'll feed you dinner once everyone leaves and if you are good i'll buy pizza

i just stood quiet. and he walked away.

i wanna go home. i start crying. i don't care if Jake doesn't even like me no more. i just wanna see him. give him a hug. i wanna step foot outside.

couple hours later. i hear people. oh my god. there's actually people. i need to get out. i start banging on the floor. and start screaming my lungs out.


i keep banging on the floor. crying. begging for help. i hear footsteps come up fast. the attic door opens and it's victor. he came at me furious and punches me.

V: you better shut the fuck if i hear you one more time your dead

he ties my hands and my feet and covers my mouth with tape.

V: that outta keep you quiet

tears kept going down. they just wouldn't stop. once he's down there. i hear loud music playing.

i am never gonna get out of this place am i. i lay down and just start to think. what did i do wrong.

*3 hours later*

i don't know how much time passed by but i heard footsteps coming fast. i pretend i'm asleep so maybe he won't do anything to me.

the door opens and i don't hear anything. i just lay there and not move. then i hear his footsteps get closer and closer. then he whips my back.

i wince in pain and i start crying.

V: don't even do that shit again

he whips me again. and i wince in pain.

V: do that again and i will kill you

he whips my back again. i wince in pain again. what did i do to deserve this. he soon left. i prayed. i pray to get out of this hell hole. and i cried myself to sleep again.

Jake's pov

i miss her so fucking much. if we find her.. WHEN we find her imma gonna.. gee man. i don't even know what i would do. it just depends. if she hates me or not. no matter what i'm always gonna be there for her. i lay down and just wonder what she's going through. oh god no. i hope she's not getting hurt or raped or both. god please protect her.

i get up and drink a beer. i was about it get another one.

J: fuck this

i threw it away. all of it. ahhh except for one. just in case i'm not in the mood. i lay back down on my bed and just pray that she's safe.

ah keep reading sorry for lagging to post this one but i'll most another one in a couple of minutes to make it up

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