Chapter 22

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Erika's pov

i woke up at 8:30 really excited. i got out of jake's arms. he was still asleep. we're gonna leave here at 10. for now i got to get all of the stuff ready for the beach.

i make us sandwiches for later and i start making us bagels for right now. jake lovesssss bagels. i remember one time we were talking and he said that he loves them so imma surprise him. i get my clothes ready. i get my bikini and put it on. i put my clothes over it.

i got to the bathroom and look myself in the mirror.

E: oh shit

Jake left me a hickey. should i cover it with make up?

nah it's fine.

i do some other stuff and by the time i finish its 9:30. okay time to wake up Jakey.

i go back to the bed and see him sleeping peacefully. i start giving him soft kisses. he slowly starts to wake up.

J: mm baby go back to sleep

he said very sleepy.

E: baby wake up i have a mini surprise

J: mmm i don't like surprises. come cuddle with me

he laughs a little.

E: id enjoy that but we have a date

J: right now ?

he said while still laying in bed with his eyes closed

E: yeah we're going to the beach

he looks at me.

J: oh yeah huh

E: now get up sleepy head

he closes his eyes.

J: no unless you make out with me

i roll my eyes and smile. i go on top of him. he puts his hands on my ass. and we start making out.

5 minutes later

E: okay baby let's go

J: okay okay

he gets up.

E: put on your swimming trunks and a tank top shirt or something

J: okay

he changes real quick.

E: alright come to the kitchen

J: okay

we go to the kitchen and then we go to the table.

E: look i made your favorite

J: aww baby you remembered

E: of course i did

J: i love bagelssss

E: i know you do

J: you know one time i looked up where they sell the best bagels-

i laugh a little

E: you looked it up

J: well yeah

he said in the cutest most innocent way

E: aww your too cute.. go on

J: well what popped up was a place called panera

E: oh i heard of the place

J: yeah we should go.. it could be another place that we've never been to so we can try it out

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