Chapter 11

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Erika's pov

i texted Jake that i couldn't sleep. like 3 minutes later he finally answers.


Jake😊:what's wrong erika

E: idk i'm just scared

Jake😊:of what

E: idk amanda's not home and it's so quiet and lonely.. and i'm just scared

Jake😊: you wanna come sleep in my apartment?

i thought for a second. it's the only thing i could do.

E: can i?

Jake😊:ofc you can

E: but i'm scared to go out of the door

Jake😊: ill go get you and i'll knock on your door

E: thank you so much Jake i really appreciate it

Jake😊:anything for you i'll be there like in 2 min

E: okay

end of texts

2 minutes later he knocks. i open it.

J: hey you good

E: now that your here

he smiles. and he's shirtless. oh my god i'm lowkey freaking out.

J: come on let's go

i close my door and he wraps his arm around me and we start walking to his place. we walk in and he closes his door.

J: alright so you can sleep in my bed i'll sleep in the couch

E: no it's your house i'll sleep on the couch you sleep on your bed

J: no i insist

E: well could you sleep on the floor next to me.. i don't wanna be alone

he smiles

J: sure Erika

he shows me to his room. he gets a pillow and a blanket and he puts them on the floor. and i lay on his bed. i covered myself and he went towards the light switch.

J: alright you good ?

i nod.

J: okay

and he turns off the light and he lays on the floor. i was laying down and i closed my eyes.

i tried to sleep but i couldn't. i felt uncomfortable. i sit up and i look at him the floor. i need him...

i got off the bed and i pulled his arm up.

he opened his eyes.

J: wha-

he said confused.

E: shh it's fine

he follows me and i went on the bed. i patted the bed insisting him to lay down.

J: are you sure

i nod.

J: okay

and he lays down. and we are facing each other.

E: Jake

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