Chapter 19

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*later that day*

Erika's pov

we were chilling at Jake's house. watching netflix. cuddled up.

E: babe

J: yeah

E: i'm gonna go back to my apartment to talk to amanda. i'm gonna tell her what happened and imma tell her about me moving in with you

J: okay. you want me to go with you.

E: no it's fine you can have one of your friends over or something

J: okay then call me if anything

E: i will

J: alright

i kiss him and go back to my apartment.

when i go in amanda is sitting eating fruit peacefully. she sees me and her face lights up.

E: heyyy


i sit next to her.

E: you ready to hear what went down

A: if you're comfortable with it then yeah

E: okay so...

and i told her everything.

A: wow i'm so sorry Erika

E: it's okay and i'm here now. that's all the matters

A: yup that's all the matters

E: yeah and um i think i wanna move in with Jake

A: for real?!

E: yeah

A: i mean if that's what you want then go ahead

E: really !?

A: yeah

E: ahh

we hug

E: thank you amanda you are the best

A: but were still gonna talk and be friends right

E: of course amanda. all of this would've never happened if it weren't for you

she smiles. and we hug

A: okay so i have to go right now but i'll see around ?

E: yeah of course

we hug again.

A: okay bye Erika

E: bye

and she left. alright i gotta go back to Jake's place and tell him to help me move my stuff.

i walk in.

E: hey ba-

and i forgot i him told that one of his friends can come over.

E: who is this

J: oh Erika this is my bestfriend Kade. Kade this is my girlfriend Erika.

we shake hands.

E: wait aren't you the guy that i met at that brunch meeting

K: oh yeahhh i've met yoh before

E: yeah

J: oh that's right

E: yeah um baby

J: what's up

E: so amanda was cool with me staying with you and i kinda need your help moving all of my stuff

J: alright and uh Kade -

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