Chapter 6

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Jake's pov

i was in my apartment chilling alone watching a movie. then all of sudden i hear something.

?: help

i couldn't really hear. so i just ignored. but i lowered the tv just incase. then i heard it again. and the voice sounded familiar.


I jumped up from my couch and go outside and see this dude kissing erika. she looks like she was trying to get out of the guys grip but couldn't.

J: hey back off!

i yelled walking fast towards them. he didn't do anything. and he was still forcefully kissing Erika.

J: i said back off!

and i punched his face.

he let go of erika and i pulled her behind me. she was holding my arm.

he looked at me. i gently push erika further behind me. and he comes to me and pushes me. i then go for another punch knocking him to the ground. his nose started bleeding. he looked kinda scared.

J: now get the fuck out before i beat your ass !

he got up and ran away. i look at erika who had tears in her eyes. i felt so bad.

i grabbed her hand and took her to my apartment.

she then came to me and hugged me tight. i lowkey felt awkward but i hugged her back.

she was crying softly. i feel so bad

J: i'm sorry for what happen

she pulled away a little but i still had my arms around her . and she looked up at me.

E: you didn't do anything wrong... you helped.. thank you Jake

i wipe a tear off her cheek. i pulled her towards my couch and we sat. i had my arm around her and she was hugging me with one arm.

i started think. i don't think i'll be able to hook up with her. i just can't. like she lowkey has me soft. i don't know why.

J: you okay now?

she sniffles.

E: yeah i feel better now thank you

and she got up.

E: i know this was kinda weird but like i needed comfort jake sorry if this was awkward

J: no not at all it's fine

E: but what about your girlfriend

J: what girlfriend i don't have a girlfriend

E: really ?

J: yeah

E: oh alright

J: yeah um want me to walk you back

E: i mean you don't have to but if you want to sure

J: alright let's go

we walk out my apartment and we started walking to hers.

i was lowkey happy i don't know why. we were talking for a bit till we got to her place.

E: alright thanks for walking me and thank you for what happen

J: yeah no problem

she came and gave me a hug. i hugged back.

E: bye

J: wait e-erika

E: yes jake

J: we should hang out sometime

E: i'm totally down

J: yeah like we can hang at my place or yours.. or go get some food or something

E: yeah that be fun

J: alright can i get your number ?

E: yeah

i took out my phone. and she put her number in.

E: so just text me when where what time

J: okay bye Erika

E: bye Jake

and she walked inside. i start walking back to my place. i kept high fiving my hand in front of me and behind me swinging my arms. i was smiling. i don't know why but something about her is different then the other girls i've hooked up with. she's so beautiful. but i really need to sleep.

Erika's pov

Jake and i are finally gonna hang out soon. i gave him my number and i told him to text me. fucking travis man if it weren't for Jake then i probably would've gotten raped. Jake punched travis for me. he didn't have to. but he did. once travis ran away. i was feeling so scared. i didn't want to be alone. Jake pulled me to his apartment. i know it was probably weird but i couldn't take it no more. i hugged him. i needed comforting. i didn't expect him to hug back but he did. and his big arms held me tight. i felt so comfortable with him and safe. like i could stay there all day.

he pulled me to his couch and we sat there. he had his arm around me. i started thinking about him. and the fact that last time i came to his house he had a girl. but he broke the silence and he asked if i was okay. i told him yeah but i needed to know if he had a girlfriend and he didn't. i don't know why but it made me get butterflies. like damn he's so cute.

couple of minutes later. amanda shows up. and i told her all about travis. then i told her all about Jake. she was in shock but was happy cause of what happen with Jake. i wasn't complaining. if it weren't for travis then Jake probably wouldn't have asked to hang out with me.

E: Jake also said he wants to hang out with me

A: no wayyy that's so cool you guys would be really cute together

E: you haven't even fully met him

A: well i approve of you with whoever you like

i blushed a little.

E: who said i like him ?

A: no one but i figured you did

E: nah i don't even know him that much.. i needa get to know him first

A: and you will that's why y'all gonna hang out with each other

E: i guess

A: yeah and we needa sleep

E: yeah

as i was changing into my pj's i couldn't stop thinking about him. like what if i actually liked him and we actually got to together. that be amazing.

me and amanda were brushing our teeth.

A: erika can i ask you something

i spit out into the sink.

E: go for it

i put water in my mouth.

A: are you a virgin ?

she spits out into the sink.

i choke a little and spit out my water.

E: uh yeah why?

A: just asking

E: are you a virgin

A: no

we wipe our mouths.

E: alright well goodnight

A: goodnight

and we go to our rooms and fall asleep.

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