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That was definitely the girl that made Frank's blood boil. The description fit perfectly, though how she reacted varied greatly from how Susie and Julie told them.

„What took you so long?", the youngest of the group perked up at the sight of her friend. She and Julie were the only ones paying attention to him, while Frank was in the corner of the room, sharpening his knife which he finally retrieved back. He didn't talk to any of them since he came back with it and it was easy to assume why.

„Frank?", Joey ignored his two other friends and turned his full attention towards the leader of the Legion. „Can we talk for a second?"

Frank didn't seem to be too happy about it but still went with Joey into a quieter room, expecting nothing out of the ordinary. „Make it quick." His voice sounded deeper than usual as he fixated his sharpened gaze on the taller individual.

He was never one to joke around a lot but they still had fun together, didn't they? They used to spend most of their time together; as a group. However, for a few days now the leader was completely dissociated from them. He spent his days away from them and on the rare occasions where they did see him he was sulking in some corner.

„So, you've got your knife back?", Joey didn't know how to start out simple. The news about the appearance of the oddly intriguing girl was surely going to be received rather harshly by his friend.

„Obviously", Frank scoffed as his dark eyes wandered to the door again, itching to finally leave.

He had better things to do and it involved a very specific human girl. He wasn't completely done with her, no, not after what she put him through.

„When I was out, by the camp of the survivors", Joey waited a short second to see if he got any reaction from him. But as usual, Frank seemed somewhere else with his attention as he only listened halfheartedly. „So, afterward, when I walked back, I met someone."

Just by his stare, he could tell how disinterested the leader of their group was. „I don't have time for this, Jo", he patted him on the shoulder and made his way to the exit, already planning his reunite with his special human.

Joey quickly realized what it might have sounded to him and blocked his path before he could even touch the handle. Frank only quirked his brown at the weird behavior of his friend and waited uncharacteristically patient for an explanation.

„I didn't just meet anybody, Frank", he stepped a little aside, deciding to give him an opportunity to leave after he would receive the news. „I met that girl. You know the one, that stole your knife."

Finally, Joey was sure Frank paid full attention to his words. „And she was going to the survivor's camp."

It didn't take him a second. Frank was immediately out of the building, heading to god knows where. Susie and Julie threw questioning glances towards both males but Joey dismissed it with a simple shake of his head.

He knew exactly where Frank was rushing to. But he wasn't sure what to think about it yet.

She couldn't bring herself to light up anymore. Even though she was greeted with open arms and welcomed back. Even though people were concerned because she went to this place willingly again.

Familiar faces everywhere but no name matched them. A woman had treated the wound on her shoulder just a while ago and that was the moment all energy dreaded from her. She was sitting next to a guy, obviously older than her with messy black hair. But his scent was the only thing she remembered.

And, oh god, those shocked faces. That was the worst. When she couldn't remember. When she asked their names again.

A blonde-haired woman looked at her in utter disbelieve. (Y/N) knew that she came back with her to this camp. And she knew that she called her by her name when they met again. But now she was just another empty face.

But was that even the worst part? No, the worst for all where their inquiring questions. They wanted to know how she came back, who the guy was Late saw her with, and so on. Jake was especially persistent to get answers. But the younger girl shut down entirely.

Her mind was too much corrupted with fear and she despised her state. No answers would leave her as she slowly slid farther away from the fire and all those people.

Her (E/C) eyes always wandered down to her hands, missing the feeling of a dangerous object in them.

The knife had an F craved into its wood and he got it back. But his willingness to chase her and the silent treatment she received from him the last time she saw him. What kind of fucked up game was he planning on playing?

Oh god, she buried her head into her arms which she placed on top of her knees. They're bound to meet in a trial again. How would he react? Would he target especially her?

The young girl hated to be emotional but she couldn't help the terrifying images flashing in her head. Even though she tried to stay quiet, especially since she wanted to seem normal in front of everyone, she soon dismissed the idea of even getting some rest after her life-threatening marathon.

Her heart wouldn't calm down, telling her, yelling at her just how much of a mistake it was to come back.

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