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„You do know I'm working on Monday, right?“

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„You do know I'm working on Monday, right?“

„Yeah, but not the whooole day. Come on, it'll be fun!“, Susie couldn't contain her enthusiasm any longer as she fantasized about all the "fun" activities both girls could do.

„I'm gonna be tired afterward so that's a hard pass from me“, while (Y/N) had still trouble getting her ordinary life back.

She chose to stay in the real world two weeks ago. The pink-haired girl immediately contacted her to meet up and ever since (Y/N) had been bombarded with invitations to go somewhere.

Of course, it felt great to have a friend, but the hyper energy of Susie was hard to handle after a while. Kate, on the other hand, was gentler than she used to be in the realm. And lastly, there is Meg, with who she shared a deeper bond than she ever could have with anyone else. Their experience as survivors did make them feel understood and solaced in each other's struggle.

But that was about it. She heard from Susie that Joey and Julie returned back home too, however she was never close to them.

This reminded her...

„Forget it. We can go out the next weekend“, the pink-haired stubbornly protested even though (Y/N) wasn't changing her mind any time soon.

Her footsteps were hushed by the snow, giving only a crackling noise. The streets were empty from another human being, not even animals could be seen as the sky turned a dark blue.

Her nose and cheeks glowed a rosy pink as she adjusted her scarf to keep herself warmer. It still snowed down on her, resulting in small snowflakes sticking to her coat.

The young girl was only minutes away from her apartment; she could already feel the cozy heat of her home. A hot shower sounded like heaven right now, especially when she could spend some alone time with a good book in one hand and hot chocolate in the other afterward.

This would have been the only thing she was happy about at that moment if it weren't for someone sitting on her front porch, staring aimlessly at his shoes.

„Susie, I'm gonna call you later, 'k?“, she didn't wait for her friend to respond, before ending the call and walking closer.
Upon witnessing the other presence, he looked up from his muddy shoes and made eye contact with the most beautiful (E/C) eyes possible.
Her heartbeat pounded in her ears, coloring her face redder than before out of nervousness. The words got stuck in her throat because of his sudden visit, so she kept waiting for his move.

It would have been an understatement to plainly say she wasn't expecting him in front of her door in the middle of the night. She wasn't prepared for this situation at all; what was she supposed to say now?

There were clearly too many things flying through her head which wanted to get out first.

„Long time no see, huh?“, that smirk of his didn't help her concentrate on the important things either as he stood up and took a step forward. Her breath quickened when Frank wrapped his arms around her smaller frame and pulled her closer; not saying a single word.

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