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Y/n's POV

I woke up with the sun shining in my face. "Jinae? Wake up, dear." I said softly. Trying to wake her up. But she won't budge. "Jinae?" When I touch her skin it was burning. I gasped. "Jinae?!" I got up quickly and carry her, heading to the front door to wear my shoes before running back in to grab Jinae.

I took my phone dialed Yoongi, since he is a doctor himself. The line went for a while until it connects. "Hello?" He asked on the other line. Maybe he just woke up?

"Oppa, please come here quick. Jinae is having a fever, her body's burning. Please help me Oppa.." I begged while crying quietly, I know panicking is not the best solution right now but I've never taken care of a sick child, Jinae had always been a healthy kid. "Hey hey, I'm coming there now, okay? Just calm down." He said and I just replied with a 'hmm' while caressing her sticky hair.

Then he hung up, I took a deep breath and try to calm myself. "It's okay Y/n.. Yoongi Oppa will be here soon." I said to myself while looking at my poor daughter on the couch, sleeping peacefully.


"She's okay. It's just an allergic reaction." Yoongi said. I let out a sigh of relief. "But what is she allergic of?" I asked. "I don't know. I'm not a doctor for kids Y/n. We should bring her to the hospital." Yoongi advised. I let out a sigh. "Okay.. Let's go.." I said but before I go of course I took a shower, have breakfast, and did my make up a little.

"She's okay. Just like Dr. Min said, she's okay. It's only an allergic reaction. Can you recall what did she eat yesterday?" The female doctor asks. I couldn't remember since I wasn't with her yesterday.

"She ate sushi." Yoongi oppa answered. "What did you order?"

"We had a tuna roll, a mozzarella, and a California roll." Yoongi oppa explained. "Hmm, let me take some tests and you couple can wait outside." The doctor smile, I was shocked when she called us couple. "No we're not--"

"Okay, thank you." Yoongi oppa answers and I just opened my mouth. What the heck is happening? Is he agreeing with the doctor?

"Oppa, thank you for bringing her here. I wouldn't have known anything without you." I told him while hugging him tight. "It's okay. Now let's wait okay?" He asked and I nod.


Its been hours since the test. When is the freaking doctor done?! I'm getting angry by just waiting here for almost an hours!!

Yoongi Oppa sensed my tensed state and he rubbed my back. "Don't worry Y/n. They'll be done soon." He said while trying to calm my nerves down. "Oppa, what if they're doing something to her. What if they inject her with something? Or or.." I panicked again and my body started to sweat. First, she's sick, then she's late to school and lastly, I'm late for my job.

"Shh, don't cry. They'll be done soon." He said then he kissed my head. I felt calm now. Until then the door opened and the doctor and my Jinae came out. "Oh baby!" I yelled while walking towards her. She was finally awake and healthy. "What is she allergic of doctor?" I asked while stroking my baby's head.

"Seaweed and salmon. That's it. Keep her away from them and here are the EpiPens to kill the virus that's on her system and after that she'll be as healthy as she was before." The doctor explained. "Thank you.." I said before heading to the receptionist to pay the fees.

As soon as I arrived there a hand stopped me. "You don't have to. I'll pay." He said. I shook my head. "Oppa, do you know how much money you spent on me? The apartment, most of her toys, sometimes when I couldn't pay the bills you would.. How much do I owe you Oppa?" I asked. It's true, all of those things are true.

He spent so many money just to help me. He could've just left me on the streets and never looked back, but he decided to help me. Bought me a place to stay for my own. Feed me when I didn't have food. You know those kind of people doesn't exist in this era.

"Y/n.. Listen to me..  I have to do this to you. No matter how much you begged me not to. I have to.." He said with his begging eyes. I never felt this way before. I don't want to burden for him. "Oppa.." He's too nice for someone like me. "Just forget about this okay? Act as if nothing happened. Now let's go home." He said putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled softly. "Okay.. Thank you so much."


Arriving home was like the best thing happened in my life. Yoongi oppa left early because he had work to do and of course, who am I to stop him? He already did so much for me and all I could do was just let him be free. He's already chained enough to be with me.

"Jinae-ah, you're going to stay home, okay?" I said to her. She nods her head. "Mommy's going to go grocery shopping," I said. She nods. "Should I call Ms. Han to look out for you?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No thanks mommy. I'm a big girl, and I can take care of myself." She said with a determined tone which is cute.

"Okay little princess. Do you want anything from the store?" I asked her. "No thanks mommy," She said as she turned on the TV. "I'm going now, okay?" I asked and she nods. "Don't forget to lock the doors when the clock hits 7 PM!" I yelled as I head out. She yelled an okay as a response.

My little princess is a fast learner and an independent girl already. I guess she got it from her father. He's the smartest guy in out school and yet, he's also a bad boy, a heartless boy. He sometimes skips class, never attend to any school activities, and never turn in any assignments. But whenever we had a test, I always looked at his score in the scoreboard, he's always number 1 and I'm always below him.

But I never knew he doesn't have a heart. He always seemed so nice to his friends, always smile, but now I don't believe anything. If I ever see him with my own eyes.. I'll kill him or put him in jail myself, if I have the courage.


"Can you weigh this, please?" I asked kindly to the employee. He smiled and take the bag of eggs I just took. "Here you go miss." He said giving it back to me after weighing it. I took it and put it in my cart. Pushing my cart into an aisle. I look for cereals for breakfast since I ran out. Just then I heard a scream.


I look back and see a hooded man in black running towards me but still looking back. He bumped into me and of course he fell and me and my cart got push forwards a little bit. I looked at my cart and checked if my eggs are okay and none of them are cracked. But when I found one cracked, I immediately turned around.

"HEY!! YOU CRACK MY EGGS IDIOT!" I yelled at the guy. And pulled his hood. He let out a yelp. I pulled it down and gasped when I see the familiar face.


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