Chapter 1: Pilot

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{Warning: The following chapter, among with the rest of the story will have parts that can be triggering to some. Things including suicide, self harm, rape, etc are at some point present in this book. If any of these are triggering, please be cautious while reading. I hope you all enjoy the story. {Completely fictional}.) 

You stare down at your hands, that are placed in silver handcuffs. The room was tiny, your eyes looking everywhere. There was two chairs. The one you sat in and one across from you. A table you had rested your hands on before you placed them in your lap. A mirror appeared in front of you, knowing very well that behind it stood detectives and officers. You only bit your lip not caring already knowing protocol, until the door opened and your eyes locked with blue ones.

"Detective Snow, what a pleasure," You spoke a smile small on your lips. She gave you one back walking towards the camera that was placed in the corner. She turned off the button. Your Y/E/C eyes noticed the red dot went out.

"They're not watching and they're not listening," Brittany spoke, taking a seat on the chair in front of you.

"Brittany, what's going on? Why am I here?" You ask, changing your behavior, sitting up in your seat. Brittany bit her lip placing her hands onto the table.

"She escaped, Y/N," Brittany's voice lowered. Your eyes widened and your body went back. Your eyes stared in one spot, upon the table where your hands now were placed. Brittany leaned forward in her seat, taking your hands in her own. "We're going to protect you."

"How?" You spoke, darting your eyes up locking eyes with Brittany's. "You couldn't even protect yourself against her. Remember? You were kidnapped as well."

"And I still protected you," Brittany spoke, squeezing your hands tightly. You simply shook your head looking away.

"Brittany, we both know that's not true," You spoke pulling your hands away from her's. "She hurt you more mentally, but hurt me more physically."

"What?" Brittany bit her lip, tilting her head to the side. "Y/N you know I tried-"

"I know, Britt. I tried too." You dropped your head, closing your eyes a minute. "You still love her?"

"No." You picked your head up, locking eyes with Brittany's. She didn't bother to make eye contact with you. She stayed looking at the table at her empty hands. You shook your head.

"You're such a liar, Britt. It's in your eyes. You still love her." Brittany stands running a hand through her red hair. You watch her reaction not able to look at her much longer. You look away at your cuffed hands. "So when can I leave?" Before Brittany could open her mouth sirens began to go off. You stood feeling panic rush through you. You feel a hand grab your arm, knowing very well it was Brittany.

"Stay close, I won't leave your side," Brittany's voice whispered into your ear. Within seconds you were being lead out the interrogation room. Fear rose inside of you, sending a pain inside your stomach. You take your cuffed hands and place it under your shirt, gently guiding your finger against a scar that was just now scabbing over. Brittany's arm tugged you making you move faster as the loud sirens got louder and louder as you went through the back lobbies. Cops surrounded the two of you, escorting you.

Everyone stopped all of a sudden when the lights had gone out. You felt arms wrap around you, securing you tightly. You felt heavy breathes down the back of your neck. "You're okay, it's just me," Brittany's voice whispered, next to your ear. You realized you were tensing but it softened knowing Brittany had you in her arms. As everyone stood silently for several minutes the lights soon came on. You closed your eyes a moment and felt Brittany's hands let go of you. You opened your eyes back up and stumbled back as your eyes widened.

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now