Chapter 3: Pain Is Pain

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“Stay there,” Anna speaks stopping Brittany. The redhead girl leans you up against the wall of the cabin, but stays close, not letting her eyes off of you. Anna, on the other hand, grabs a key from her back pocket, unlocking the door. “Britt, go on in with her.” Brittany bit her lip leaning your body back onto her while helping you into the house.

    “Where should I put her?” Brittany’s voice asks, a bit of worriness in her tone. Anna points the gun towards a door. The redhead girl nods walking over and opening it, revealing stairs that go downwards. “Really Anna?”

    “Brittany, don’t fight me,” Anna demands, standing at the door. The gun still nicely secured in her hands. “Now go on love.” Brittany sighs, helping you on down the stairs. With each step taken you felt your head throb and your body ache. Finally though you make it to the last step. The redhead girl walks over and places you down against the wall in the back of the room. She turns facing the blue eyed brunette.

    “What now? You got us-” Brittany pauses taking a step forwards. “What’s your plan now?” You adjusted yourself seeing Anna’s eyes with joy filled in them and a smile planted on her lips.

    “Oh I think sleep would do you two some good right now,” Anna responds taking a step forwards and swiftly injecting Brittany with a needle. You struggle against your restrained hands and go to stand when Anna bends down in front of you. “Shh, shh. Darling it’s alright.” Her hand reaches up striking your cheek gently. “Shh, you’re okay.” The back of her hand slides up and down your cheek, before she slowly pulls off the gag. You remain silent, once it’s off looking back into her eyes. Anna’s sits down and sits criss crossed in front of you. She grabs your hands and takes the knife from her back pocket carefully cutting the rope around your wrist.

    “W-Why’d you knock Brittany out?” You ask, nervousness in your voice. You pulled your arms back, rubbing your wrist. Anna’s eyes glanced over her right shoulder to find the redhead passed out. She looks back a moment later tilting her head.

    “I thought me and you could talk a minute,” Anna responded placing her hands on your knees. Quickly, you brought them to your chest, wrapping your arms around them tightly. A chuckle escapes from Anna’s throat. “Awe baby. That’s real cute how scared you are of me.”

    “T-Talk about what.” You wanted to get straight to the point, knowing her game. Memories from last time racing your head. She nodded simply at you coughing, to clear her throat.

    “How’s your scar on your stomach?” Her head tilted as her eyes squinted. The brunette blue eyed woman looked down your body stopping at where she should be able to see your stomach. But your knees and arms prohibited her from doing so. “C’mon Y/N. I know it’s still there.”

    “Why do you care?” You felt fear in your heart, knowing she was going to see one way or another. But you stayed still barely making eye contact. She shifted in her position reaching out only causing you to flinch. “” Anna bites her lip glancing up from your stomach to your eyes. You shook your head as she jumped at you. You scream out as she pins you to the ground, getting on top of you, holding your arms down at your side, with her thighs. Her hands reach up, lifting your shirt slowly. The bandage wrapped around the left side of you soon revealed.

    “Covered? Darling, you have to air it out.” Her voice was like ice as her hands went down. They felt cold against your skin, sending chills all over her body. Within seconds a noise is echoed through the basement and Anna sets the bandage aside. The tiny girl’s blue eyes light up as her head turns to the side a bit. She brings her fingers towards the mark. Your body flinching as her cold fingers inch towards it till she finally makes it.

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now