Chapter 8: Syringe

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Brittany’s eyes pick up from the desk, where she locks eyes with Anna’s blue ones. A crazed look in her eyes. Brittany spins in her chair and pushes up on the chair arms, standing to her feet. “Where were you?” Brittany asks, quickly. Her arms crossing over her chest, her head tilting to the side. Her blue eyes followed Anna’s figure as the tiny brunette walks over to a sink, turning it on and beginning to wash her hands. Slowly Brittany walks over seeing blood fill the sink. “What the hell? Why-”

    “She escaped,” Anna shouted, turning her head. The two of their eyes locking. Brittany took a step back biting her lip. “After everything I do for her..she..she tries to escape and made me kill someone. God!”

    “You killed someone?” Brittany’s voice shook, as her arms dropped to her side. Anna turned the water off and grabbed a towel, drying her hands off. She tossed the towel as Brittany headed towards the door. Quickly, Anna rushed over grabbing the ginger’s wrist, pulling her back. “Let go of me.”

    “Where are you going dear?” Anna asked, her eyes shifting back and forth between Brittany’s.

    “I’m going to make sure Y/N’s okay.” Brittany pulled her arm away from the brunette as opened the door, heading down the narrow hall. Anna following right behind. They approach the door and Anna unlocks it, so Brittany could walk in. Brittany walks past the tiny girl to see Y/N unconscious and tied to a chair. “What the- Why is she tied up?”

    “She escaped, the window is broken if you haven’t noticed.” Anna pointed to her left while Brittany’s eyes followed. She rolled her eyes and looked back to Y/N. She bends down, her eyes examining her in every way. Until finally she reaches her hands up, cupping the girl’s face in her hands, tilting it back every now and then.

    “What’d you do to her?” Brittany was blank faced and didn't turn to look at the tiny brunette. Anna stood in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest. Her hands slowly lifted up, cupping the girl’s face in her hands, until slowly her eyes open.


    Your eyes flutter open, soon meeting Brittany’s. “Hey Y/N,” Brittany spoke gently. You go to speak but feel the stickiness of the tape on your lips. You drop your head, feeling your head spin followed by Brittany’s hands cupping your face. She picks your head up, slowly. Your eyes meeting her once again but you slowly shake your head, suddenly looking past the ginger haired lady. Your eyes locked with Anna’s and you felt your heart race. You started fighting to get up, feeling the burning of the rope tying you down. Brittany dropped her hands from your face, grabbing your hands but that only made you fight more and begin screaming at the top of your lungs through the gag.

    “If she keeps struggling she’s really going to hurt that arm,” Anna spoke up. Brittany looked down to the girl’s arm seeing a bandage with a red substance slipping through. Quickly she looked to your eyes, as tears were filling them. She stood to her feet and looked to Anna. Anna tilted her head, a smirk spreading to her lips.

    “I need something to calm her Anna,” Brittany spoke, your screams still filling the air. Brittany’s hand reached down to your hand, grabbing it and holding it. Anna nodded walking out the door and coming back moments later. She walked over and you started screaming louder, a high pitched scream echoed throughout the room, causing both Brittany and Anna to advert their attention to you.

    You stop squirming, stop screaming. Soft sobs escape you as your body relaxes some. Brittany’s eyes look you up and down, slowly getting down to her knees. You open your eyes, barely locking with her’s. Slowly, Brittany reaches up slipping the tape off of your mouth. “I-I wanna g-go home,” you said, your voice barely a whisper. The redhead girl nodded her head, her eyes softened more than they had been. She reached her hand up, her thumb beginning to rub back and forth on your cheek.

    “Awe!” Anna spoke grabbing Brittany’s arm pulling her up. The redhead’s hand dropping from your cheek. Brittany turned her head looking to Anna’s blue eyes. “This has been great and all but Y/N’s been a troublemaker and we can’t have that.”

    “Anna we don’t-” Anna quickly turned cupping her hand over Brittany’s mouth. But Brittany moves back shaking her head. “She’s suffering already Anna. Look at her!” Anna turns her head glancing down at you. Your eyes barely open, your body sitting as if you weren’t alive. A small smile spread to the girl’s lips. “Anna come on. Let me untie her and patch her up.”

    “No. She stays tied up like that all night.” Anna turns back around, her head tilted to the side. “And I hate to do this but..I’m sorry.” Swiftly Anna raises her hand and stabs the side of Brittany’s arm. A syringe emplaced as Anna’s thumb pushes down, injecting the substance. Brittany shakes her head stumbling back as Anna removes the syringe. Moments pass, Brittany falls to the floor, her eyes becoming heavy. However, the tiny brunette turned looking to you. “Alright Y/N. Let’s play.”

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now