Chapter 2: Pointed

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Your eyes awaken with a pounding sensation in your head. You feel hands holding yours with something going tightly around. A lovely tune is being hummed from a person close by, so you try to adjust your eyes just in time to spot blue ones peering down at you. “Anna, g-get away from me,” you choke out, trying to squirm away. Anna chuckles pulling the rope tighter around your hands.

    “Now now. Don’t fight me love,” Anna’s voice spoke softly. “You’re all right now. I’ve got you.” A smile spread across her lips as she rests your hands down on top of your body. She reaches behind her a moment then looks back at you.

    “Where’s Brittany?” You ask, your voice cold, avoiding eye contact. Anna’s lips curve as she moves out of the way. Your eyes look behind the tiny girl to see a red head girl, passed out amongst the floor, with their hands together together and a piece of tape covering their mouth. “What did you do?!”

    “Oh shush,” Anna speaks, cupping her hand over your mouth. “She’ll be okay. I promise I didn't touch her. Well I had to in order to get her in the van but that’s beside the point.” You move your head away, her hand dropping from your mouth. “C’mon Y/N, live a little.”

    “You’re crazy-” you pause a moment and without hesitation kick your foot up kicking the tiny brunette right in the face. You stand and get to the side door, struggling to get it open with your hands tied together. When you manage you get it cracked you feel your foot grabbed and pulled back, you fall to the ground, hitting your face. The top of your teeth pull back your bottom lip.

    “I thought I’ve told you about getting away,” Anna’s voice said, a bit of evilness in it. You turn over spotting Anna getting up and walking to a red tool box. “I really didn't want to teach you a lesson Y/N, but I gotta do it so you learn. Just like it was in class.”    

    “N-No. P-Please,” you begged trying to stagger to your feet, but it’s too late as you feel a needle stuck into your thigh. You let a yelp escape out of your lips. Anna’s hand cupping your mouth. You lay on your back feeling a weird feeling in your body. Anna’s blue eyes watch you as you go to move and a blood piercing scream escapes from you lips, but muffled. The tiny brunette smirks tilting her head to the side.

    “That should hold you till we get home sugar.” Anna smiles reaching into her back pocket pulling out a piece of long fabric cloth. She places it over your mouth then picks your head up a bit, tying it off in the back. She bends down and kisses the top of your head, with you laying there not able to move. “Be a good girl. We’ll be home shortly.” The tiny brunette got to her feet and went to the driver’s seat. Your Y/E/C eyes moved over to look at the red head girl who was suppose to be your protection but you knew from last time, that wasn’t going to be the case. But you stared at her, hoping she’d wake up. Hoping she’d be able to save you from the monster in the driver’s seat, driving you god knows where.


    The sun had gone down. A clock to the right of Anna had now read 10:05 p.m. They drove all day and part of the night. Brittany not opening her eyes once. You however we’re getting impatient wanting to move. And you did several times, letting screams come out you, but  they had been replaced by mumbles.

    Though, as the clock changed you heard a slight moan of pain come from the side of you. Your eyes darted that way to see Brittany’s eyes fluttering open. Brittany focuses her eyes, landing on yours. Her eyes widen and she begins to struggle against the restraint. You look away to Anna seeing her glancing every now and then in the rear view mirror.

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now