Chapter 15: Side To Side

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Her eyes flutter open feeling pain strike her head. She sits up quickly, immediately regretting the idea. The ginger's hand went to her head, feeling a dried up substance. She shook her head removing her hand and looking around, when her blue eyes locked on your lifeless body in the corner. Brittany tries to get up feeling something on her ankle. Her eyes advert that way, a chain locked around. Her eyes followed the long silver chains to the wall, that was securely strapped down. Brittany rolls her eyes shaking her head.

"Anna!" Brittany begins to shout and the door opens up immediately. There comes in the tiny brunette, slowly limping into the room. Brittany's head tilts to the side, her eyes scanning over Anna noticing a limp along with Anna's bruised and cut face. "What the hell Anna? You need a doctor."

"Don't even try that Brittany," Anna spoke, her voice deep. "You know what you did. You caused this!" Brittany shook her head.

"What are you talking about? I haven't left your sight in..I don't even know how long! You've had me locked up how could I have caused the wreck?" Brittany shouts standing to her feet, the only thing she could do with the chains.

"Are you talking back to me?" The brunette begins to limp over, her face serious and filled with rage.

"Yeah I am because I'm not a fucking child Anna!" Brittany pauses a moment, shaking her head. "God, I thought you were dead back there! And honestly I wish you were!" Within moments Anna's tackling Brittany down to the ground attacking the ginger, throwing fists from left to right. Brittany struggles at first but soon stops letting it happen hearing the brunette soon begin to yell.

"I gave you everything! I gave you a life, I gave you a family when you lost your child! I tried my hardest to keep us together but all you wanna do is break us up then you try to kill me!" Anna shouts, soon her punchings stop and she looks at Brittany. Blood runs down Brittany's nose and comes out from her mouth. "You deserve to-" Anna doesn't finish instead she puts her legs on either side of Brittany and grabs the ginger's hands. Brittany immediately tries to fight but can't feeling her hands raised above her head. Soon Anna's head flies down locking the two of their lips. The ginger shakes her head not wanting that, but Anna getting furious begins biting the girl's bottom lip causing the ginger to yelp.

And soon Anna pulls away, smile creeping to her lips inching up farther and father. Blood slipping from Brittany's face as Anna takes her own hand away from holding Brittany's, beginning to slide it down her body. The young brunette's hand slipping down Brittany's neck inching more and more towards the ginger's breasts. Brittany watches trying to fight soon feeling the warm hands grabbing and rubbing her breasts. The blue eyed ginger sees Anna's head move down, her shirt removing soon feeling a tongue against her breasts and she can't help but bite her lip.

"Anna please stop," Brittany said feeling Anna stop and pick up her head. "Please don't do this."

"Oh come on love. You use to love when I-" Anna paused as a soft noise escaped Brittany feeling Anna's fingers down her pants and inside of her. "When I played with you." A smile crept back onto Anna's face as her body moved down, but her fingers still slowly went in and out. Brittany closed her eyes and shook her head, beginning to fight back to get the tiny girl off of her. But that only causes Anna to move her fingers faster causing louder moans to escape from Brittany. "Ah there we go." Brittany shakes her head feeling Anna pull her fingers out. The ginger's eyes open and within moments Anna's finger are placed into Brittany's mouth, gagging the ginger as she tastes herself.

"That taste good love?" The brunette asks sliding her fingers out and putting her fingers into her own mouth. "Hope so because we'll be here a while, I'm not letting you cum quite fast this time around. I'm going to make you beg for it darling."


Your eyes flutter open hearing muffled screams from somewhere in the room. You try to process, blinking your eyes repeatedly and looking around meeting a wall. You shake your head and turn over seeing a brunette on top of someone. Immediately your mind races and you sit up, biting your lip feeling your head spin. But you fight it, using the wall to stand. Your Y/E/C eyes look down and then quickly walk towards the people. Soon seeing Brittany, her hands tied together above her head, panties stuffed in her mouth and Anna sticking something into Brittany's area. Quickly you tackle Anna, getting the girl off of Brittany and begin to attack the brunette. But it doesn't last long as Anna finally gets a punch in sending your body over. Anna stands, getting to her feet. Soon laughter fills the air from her.

"Now Brittany where were we?" Anna asks, walking back over to Brittany grabbing the dldo and placing it back to Brittany's area. The ginger squirms and shakes her head as a wet substance soon spills out covering the dildo. Anna tilts her head, a wicked smile smearing all over her face. "Ah, there we go love." Anna removes the dildo and places it to her lips stuffing it into her mouth. Brittany looks away, her eyes on you as you go to get back up.

"You..You raped her," You speak, you eyes looking to Anna. Anna removes the dildo from her mouth. She tilts her head. "You raped...her!" You push yourself up, getting to your feet and Anna follows shaking her head from side to side.

"I didn't rape her. She wanted it," Anna said, all smiley. Yet you shook your head from side to side.

"She's crying Anna! You have her gagged and tied up! She doesn't want it just like she didn't want it last time!" Anna runs towards you her hand gripping your neck pushing your body against a wall. Your hands fly to her own that's wrapped around your neck. The air beginning to leave your lungs.

"She loved it. This time and last," Anna whispered through her teeth.

"T-Then w-why w..was she crying?" You asked, barely. Anna tilted her head moving your body forward then slamming you back against the wall. You feel the hard hit closing your eyes a moment before reopening looking to meet Anna's blue eyes.

"You don't know what you're talking about..."

"R-Really? She h-had n-ightmares about it and wouldn't s-sleep for w-weeks." Anna's hand dropped from your neck. Your body dropped to the floor as you coughed hard. But Anna did nothing escape walk towards the door, slamming it and locking it behind her. You cough a couple more times before crawling towards Brittany grabbing the blanket and placing it over her naked body. Then you crawl and gently pull out the panties in the girl's mouth.

"Are you..okay?" You ask, taking the tape off of her wrists. Brittany sat up grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around herself. "Brittany...?"

"I'm..I'm okay kid," Brittany answers in a whisper. "You okay?" You nod, your eyes never leaving Brittany's even if her eyes stay glued to the ground. But soon you look around and find clothes. Slowly you grab them and hand them to the ginger. She took them as you turned away, not looking.

"You can look now," she spoke. Slowly you turned and saw Brittany leaned against the wall. And so you crawled over and sat next to her, feeling her head on your shoulder. You glance over with just your eyes, giving a small, sad smile before looking back ahead in front of you, leaning your head against the wall as the two of you sat in silence.

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now