Chapter 10: Song

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"Y/N, Detective Snow is here to speak with you," the doctor spoke gently. You turned your head towards the door seeing the same ginger haired girl who was trapped with you, or helped kidnap you but also helped save you. A black eye and busted lip covered her face, yet the amounts of bruises and scars on her stomach, chest, arms and legs all covered. But you say nothing except turn your head back staring at the white wall in front of you, feeling someone beside you.

"Hey," Brittany's voice spoke gently. "How are you feeling?" The question was so simple, so easy to answer, yet you remained silent. Your fingers messing with one another, until Brittany's cold hands wrap around yours, stopping you and causing your Y/E/C eyes to slowly look down looking to find her hands on yours, holding them gently. Rope burns peaking out on Brittany's wrists. You close your eyes a moment, feeling tears well into your eyes before looking away and to the window. The curtains were closed, but that didn't stop you, leaning your head back against the soft pillows.

"I get it, you don't want to talk," Brittany started, pausing a moment before continuing. "But I thought you wanted to know that you're going to be staying with me for a while just until we-" Before the girl could finish you turned your body and wrapped your arms around the ginger, feeling her arms wrapping around you, as you bury your head into the crook of her neck, tears overwhelming your eyes. Brittany's hands however rub your back in tiny circles trying to comfort you to the best of her ability.

"Thank you," you whisper gently, with your eyes closed. Brittany pulled you closer, leaning her head up and placing it on top of your head, a gentle kiss to the top before laying her head back down on your shoulder, keeping you close.

"I got you..."


She flies up feeling her head spin, feeling a bit dizzy. A tv was playing loudly, a couple chuckles escaping from somebody sat in a rocking chair. Brittany bites her lip, looking at the person and then down at her body that's covered by a blanket, realizing it's a two person bed. Quickly she picks up the blanket and sees all her clothes attacked.

"Don't act like that Brittany. Nothing happened," Anna spoke, walking towards the ginger haired girl. "But if you did I do recall you very much enjoying... the pleasure." Brittany looked away from the brunette's blue eyes shaking her head from side to side. A small chuckle escaped Anna as she walked towards the ginger and placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead. Brittany doesn't act, keeping in mind it's all part of the game.

"Anna, where's Y/N?" Brittany asks, pulling her head away a moment later, their eyes locking. Anna tilted her head, separating her lips and making her eyes shift up to look to the ceiling. Silence fell between them. "Anna, what did you do?"

"Nothing. We just...had a little argument," Anna responded looking back at the ginger haired girl, crossing her arms over her chest. "But don't worry she's perfectly fine."

"Yeah right. She freaking had blood seeping down her arm and I guarantee you did something more after you knocked me out," Brittany spoke, her voice raising. "I mean I thought we were on the same page Anna. You really don't love me-"

"Don't say that!" Anna shouted stepping forwards before stopping herself, taking a step backwards. "I love you Brittany. I always have." Brittany shakes her head throwing the blanket off of her and adjusting her legs so they dangle off over the side of the bed. From there she gets to her feet standing a couple feet away from the tiny brunette.

"I wanna see her...alone," Brittany said, not really wanting to be given an ultimatum. A heavy sigh escaped the tiny brunette's lip as she turned on her heels, motioning for the ginger to follow with a wave of her hand. They walk to the bedroom door and walked out heading down the stairs, through the living room and finally to the basement door. Anna unlocked it and moved out of the way. "Thank you." Anna nodded as Brittany walked past, taking a trip down the stairs. She walked down and opened the other door then closed it and then went through a little hall opening another door, shutting that one behind her as well.

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now