Chapter 4: Talks And Promises

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Your eyes flutter open slowly, seeing a dim light. You focus your eyes and try to stand only to find you can’t. Your head drops seeing rope tied tightly around your wrist and ankles. “Y/N,” Brittany’s voice said. Your head flew up locking eyes with the redhead girl. Her eyes widened and concern crossed her face. “Are you okay? What happened?”

    “Wh-What?” You stumbled, struggling to move. You move to the right then to the left. Once you move to the left you feel something sting and you let a yelp escape from your lips. “Bloody-” You bit your bottom lip, leaning back against the chair you were tied too. Before the two of you could speak again, a door was heard being unlocked. Brittany and you both snapped your head’s looking to the right seeing a door opening. A tiny brunette walking in. She walks closer until both of you could see a smirk written all over her face.

    “Hello loves,” Anna said, cheerfully. Your eyes scanned her up and down noticing red blood stains on her white tank top she wore on her body. She noticed looking down and let a chuckle escape her lips. “Don’t worry, Y/N. It’s just yours.”

    “Her’s?” Brittany snapped. You looked to the redhead detective who started struggling against her restraint. “Untie me!” Anna laughed out loud, watching Brittany struggle for a moment.

    “I’m sorry Britt,” Anna paused trying to control her laughter. “I can’t do that. You see when I knocked you out, me and our daughter here had a”

    “I’m not your d-daughter,” you said, avoiding eye contact. Within a matter of seconds a hand gripped your jaw, picking your head up to meet blue eyes. Anna’s blue eyes.

    “You are my daughter, Y/N-” she paused a moment, tilting her head to the left. Her blue eyes switching back and forth between your Y/E/C ones. “Don’t make me show you.” She bit your lip and moved your head to the side, feeling her nails dig into your flesh.

    “Let go of her Anna,” Brittany warned. Anna waited a moment before releasing you. Nail marks appeared in your skin, in your cheeks and underneath your jaw. Silence fills the room as Anna steps back, facing the both of you.

    “Now that, that’s settled,” Anna begins. “I had a word with our daughter and well as you can tell by the bruises on her face we tried to get away.” Anna shook her head, as Brittany’s head turned towards you. You glanced up meeting her eyes. Sadness was written all over her face as you looked away quickly. “Look it’s going to be different this time!”

    “Different?!” Brittany spoke out. “You freaking have us tied to chairs just like last time! You already beat our so claimed kid! Parents don’t do that, don’t do this!”

    “God, you’re so hot when you’re mad.” Anna bites her lip walking towards Brittany. “Go on. Keep telling me what I’m doing wrong.” Brittany remained quiet except for the spit she spat in Anna’s face. The brunette closes her eyes, taking her right hand and wiping the spit from her face. “Awe Britt. I wish you wouldn’t have done that. I just wanted to talk.” You pick your head up to see Anna throw a punch into Brittany’s gut. You clench your jaw seeing another punch to her stomach. “Now do I have to keep punching?” You watch, seeing Brittany’s head shake from side to side.

    “If you’re going to hurt som-someone, hurt me,” You whispered adjusting yourself to your best ability. Both of their heads snapped towards you.

    “Y/N-” Quickly, Anna cupped her hand over Brittany’s mouth causing the rest of her sentence to be cut off. However, Anna’s eyes never left yours as she squinted, making chills drive down your back.

    “Has our little Y/N grown up?” She uncups her hand from Brittany’s mouth and walks towards you. “Tell me again cupcake. How old are you?”

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now