Chapter 9: And So They Played

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You shake your head the words "Let's play Y/N," escaping Anna's lips, as Brittany's eyes close. You try anything you can do to escape the chair you're restrained too, but the rope cuts into your skin, making an awful pain rise underneath your skin, burns slowly appearing on your wrists. Soon enough though Anna grabs your jaw swiftly, holding your head up, keeping you still. The two of your eyes locking, the blue color in Anna's with pure malice causing chills sent down your back.

"Why'd you escape?" Anna asked, her head tilting to the side. Yet you stay silent, knowing you couldn't speak either way. The tape on your mouth telling you no speaking and even if it weren't on the pain surrounding your body wouldn't allow it. A little chuckle escapes the tiny brunette as she clenches onto your jaw more. "I already know but you made me kill that girl..I was going to use her for somebody else. You lost me a million dollars my dear."

You shake your head closing your eyes, feeling as if your skin on your face were to come off at any sudden moves due to the strong grip Anna had on you. As silence fell between you two Anna finally released you to instead pull her hand back and punch you in the face. Your head flies to the right, keeping your eyes closed. Slowly your head goes back and you open your eyes spotting Anna walking over to a little stand. Your Y/E/C eyes watch carefully feeling sleepy but know if you fell asleep worse things would happen.

The tiny brunette soon turned back around holding a sponge on a stick. Instantly you felt your heart race and tried getting out of the chair. Your hands pulling up on the rope feeling it burning and stinging with every move. Feeling the rope tighten with each move you make, same for your ankles. But you didn't care, your mind racing with last time of this torture device. Of burns and screams and leaving a nasty scar. The one that's still there. But the look at Anna's face, a tilted head with a toothy grin. She was ready, craving this more than anything. She walks over, her top teeth now biting her bottom that slowly involved into the corner of her lips to creep upward causing her to smile. And soon the sponge came in contact with your stomach a blood piercing scream escaped through your gag and echoed throughout the basement. Your eyes closed, tears slowly slipping through them and trickling down your cheeks. Feeling the burning and stinging come in contact with your skin through the shirt you wore. Let alone it being placed right back on the spot from before, since last time Anna had done this.

"You brought this on yourself Y/N! You know the game! You know the rules yet you still disobey!" Anna shouted over your screams. Eventually she pulled it away, your body relaxing a bit feeling your stomach burn as if acid was dropped on it. You shake your head softly from side to side, keeping your eyes closed and your head leaned against the back of the chair, just trying to catch your breath. Anna however steps towards you, grabbing a corner of the tape across your face ripping it off. Your head flies to the side, feeling a slight sting from where the tape was taken but not as bad as your stomach hurts.

"F-F-Fuck y-" Before you could finish the sponge was back on your stomach, sending another wave of blood piercing screams through the air, echoing through your ears and Anna's as Brittany lays unconsious on the cold basement floor.

"I'm sorry? What were you trying to say?" Anna's voice was loud, over your screams. And once again she pulled the device away, your body sinking into the seat more than last time, not wanting to keep going. "Does it hurt?" Slowly you nod your head up and down a light devilish laugh fills the air. You pick your head up slightly locking your eyes on Anna as her head is tilted backwards and her mouth is happen. Laughters filling the air.

"Wh-Why me?" The question escaped through your lips in a whisper. But immediately caught the brunette's attention. She looked to the left of her and tossed the device walking over to you and bending down in front of you, placing her hands on your knees, causing you to flinch.

"Don't be frightened Y/N," she whispers a smile creeping once more to her lips. "I'm just your mother." You bite your lip shaking your head, closing your eyes. "Oh come on now dear. We both know I am and Brittany over there...She's your second mother."

"Neither of you are my parents," you spoke gently. "You k-killed my parents. Y-You killed them and then you killed my u-uncle and k-kidnapped me for your own sick desires!" Within moments you felt something dig into your knees. You tilted your head back a moment, letting out a slight yelp before looking down at your knees seeing Anna's nails digging into your pants. You tried everything you could to move out of the current position but that alone drove the girl's nails in deeper.

"You're being ungrateful! I provide a roof over your head and a bed-"

"And you provide me a chair that you tie me to! And you provide me pain and scars, mentally, physically and emotionally because you're sick in the f-" Suddenly you felt a hard blow to the head, sending your whole head flying sideways and then follows your body. The chair tilts sending you falling until your body hits the floor, a slight yelp of pain escaping out of you, echoing through the basement. And soon enough several more hits begin to appear out of nowhere. One after one after another after another. Eventually sending your body numb and your eyes beginning to grow heavy....

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now