Chapter 14: Miss Me?

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Their voices were killing your brain. But you had to sit in the bed and take the questions and answer them. Answer to the best of your ability, that is. Even if some things you had withheld, it was for the best. To protect Brittany and even yourself. "Alright, Y/N. One last question," The detective states scribbling something down onto a pad of paper. Your eyes watching him until he picks his head up, your eyes locking. "Where's Anna?" The question sent chills over your body. You tensed in your position and began to shake your head from side to side.

"I-I don't know," You speak truthfully, biting your lip. Your mind brought you back to the scene. Seeing Anna's lifeless body laying on the road. Blood covering her face and her eyes closed. She looked peaceful, not crazy. But that was only a moment before a deep cough brought you out of the image. You looked to the detective and felt someone squeeze your right right. Slowly, you turn your head to the right, your eyes meeting Brittany's blue ones. She gives you a concerned look and tilted her head. "Did you.." I turned my head and looked to the detective. "Did you see her at the car crash?"

"No. We didn't. We found her blood and from what you two have told us, she was on the scene. But her whereabouts. We don't have a clue." His answer was truthful. His brown eyes, screaming of cautiousness and sorrowful. You nod and look down at your hands realizing you've been picking at your skin once again. A method you've realized you've done lately, leaving marks that don't stay long but can if you do it a certain way. "Alright, if you hear from her or remember anything call me." You nod as the detective leaves the room. You and Brittany stay in the quiet for a moment until you feel the redhead shift in her seat beside you.

"You seen her on the road didn't you?" Brittany asked, her voice low. Slowly, your head goes up and down as your eyes continue to stare down at your fingers. Brittany lifts her hands and places them over your own. Yet you keep your gaze fixed on you and her hands, not daring to make eye contact. "I thought I got you out of there in time..."

"'s okay," You whisper, moving your hands. Brittany's hands fall off of yours as you finally, slowly pick up your head meeting the ginger's blue eyes. You felt tears welling into your own but you blink repeatedly and bite your lip. "I thought...for a moment we'd be free. That she was actually dead." I took a moment gathering my thoughts. "She looked peaceful...besides the blood covering her face and the position. She looked normal...for once." Brittany nodded getting up. Quickly you wrapped your arms around her, feeling her own arms wrap around you. Silence fell in the air. You closed your eyes, feeling tears trickle down your cheeks, but you hid your face into Brittany feeling close, feeling comfort.

"Scoot over babe," her voice whispered. You gently unwrapped your arms and scooted over. Brittany scooting into the bed like she did yesterday night. The cover over the two of you as you lay your head on her chest once more. Her fingers messing with the ends of your hair. "If she comes we'll be okay. You know that? And we are going to do everything we can to get away from her."

"But what if we can't? It's Anna..brittany. She's..She's a psychopath." Your voice cracked and you closed your eyes wrapping your arm over Brittany. The girl's breathes even. In and out, in and out. You could feel them gently as her stomach moves up and down and they were soothing. They were balanced, something you weren't used to. So you sat and listened, you sat and followed the pattern even when Brittany continued to speak.

"We'll figure it out, we always do." You nod your head continuing to follow the pattern of the redhead's breathes until soon you close your eyes. The realm of sleep taking over you...


Silently the door creaked opened and slowly footsteps are barely heard entering the room. One by one they get closer, yet you remained fast asleep. Your body turned to the side and your eyes closed. You looked peaceful. A sleeping beauty until a hand quickly was placed over you mouth sending your eyes to burst open and before you could try anything a sharp, cold object placed at your temple. You freeze, not daring to move. Until you feel heavy breathes and hot air on your ear.

"We're going to quietly get up and leave the premisses. If you try anything I will kill Brittany," the words escaped easily in an undertone. Your eyes widened knowing exactly who it was, yet nodded your head gently. "I'm going to remove my hand, you scream or try anything funky, she's gone. Understand?" You nod your head once again as the hand disappears from your mouth. And slowly you toss the blanket off and roll out of the hospital bed on the side the person stood still feeling the gun to your head.

Once your up, you turn slowly locking with blue eyes and a twisted smile. "A-Anna," you whisper. She tilts her head and the smile darkens.

"Miss me?" She asks, twitching a bit. You bite your lip feeling your fingers begin to dig into the palm of your hand. Cuts and bruises covered the girl's face with dried blood smeared on her forehead. "Let's go Y/N. We've got things to do, places to be."

"Where's Brittany?" You ask, avoiding her statement. The girl chuckled and looked away a slight moment before stepping closer, placing the gun right between your eyes. Panic rose in you and you took a deep breath in, not daring to release it. Your eyes focused on the gun implanted between your eyes. Not able to focus on anything else.

"She's fine. Now let's go. Now." Her voice was in high demand and slowly you nodded your head. She removed the gun and tossed you your clothing. "Change quickly." You grabbed your pants and slipped them on. You turned around slipping the hospital gown off and placing on a sweatshirt. You turn back around meeting the twisted smile and devil eyes. She moves the gun, gesturing towards the door. Slowly you begin to walk, your legs carrying you that way and soon your walking out of the hospital.

The two of you end in the parking lot. Your eyes scanning the scene hoping for anybody to be around but nobody was. Anna had taken out every security guard, the cameras and made most of the nurses and doctors fall asleep. You shake your head thinking about it, making your eyes drop to the ground, continuing to walk. Soon you felt a push however to make a turn to the right. So you do. There a black van stands and you open the doors seeing a figure lay on the ground, bound to chains connected to the floor. You felt Anna push you and you climbed in shaking your head. Quickly you turned to speak but felt the butt of the gun roughly hit your head. You fell towards the ground and closed your eyes going to reopen when you felt something stuck in the side of your arm. A yelp escapes your lips feeling dizzy. Anna stands up straight and tilts her head over your still body. Her eyes sparkling and her smile not like you've ever seen. And soon that blackness you dreaded...takes over you.


A/N: There's a new story up for the holiday seasons. Small Town Christmas. I know it's nothing like psychopath but it is more of a lovey book. But don't worry this story isn't over yet :) 


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