Chapter 7: Look What You Made Me Do

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Lightning cracks above you, high in the sky. You flinch every time you see it but you push yourself to keep walking. Your legs were killing you, your arm was still bleeding. But no sign of Anna or any other human life in these woods. As you keep walking however, you feel something wet drip onto your forehead. You stop walking and glance up to the sky just in time to feel heavy rain begin to pour down. "Really?" You whisper amongst yourself continuing to walk, seeking shelter.

After a few more minutes you spot a small hut and your eyes brighten. You begin to make your way there feeling a tingly feeling on the back of you. Yet your head shakes and you make your way to the hut. Your uninjured arm reaches to the knob, pulling it open. You walk in to find a girl tied and bound. Your eyes widen and you freeze. The girl begins to struggle against her restraint, her eyes locked with yours. You walk forwards dropping to your knees, using your hand to take off the gag.

"Untie me please," she begs, fear in her voice. You nod beginning to untie her to the best of your ability, when blood is sprung everywhere. You freeze feeling it splash up against your face. The girl in front of you no longer moving, her eyes remain open. You stand to your feet staring down at her feeling a sharp object come from behind and placed to your neck.

"Look what you made me do," Anna's voice whispered into your ear. You tense shutting your eyes. "Why'd you run love?" You remain silent feeling the knife pressed further into your skin.

"To get away from you," You whisper swinging your uninjured arm back hitting Anna in the gut. You push her running out the door. You run fast, not daring to look behind you. As you run you see a road and bright headlights coming your way. Your speed increases coming up to the road. You throw your arm up to wave it making it to the road, when you feel your body attacked and taken down. A hand covers your mouth as you scream at the top of your lungs. Anna appears in front of you, anger written all over her face. But you continue to struggle and fight her till she throws a punch, and another and another. You lay there as she picks you up and drags you into the distance from where you had ran from.

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now