Chapter 17: Knifed

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"Stand," she says, a blank expression on her face. Your eyes dart towards Britttany who clenches her draw. Within a second Anna rushes over grabbing your arm pulling you up and turning you around, placing her arm around your chest with a gun to your temple. Brittany gets up, standing to her feet. "Brittany get back down."

"Anna, let her go," Brittany said, gently even if there was panic rising in her voice. Anna shook her head no, as you kept your eyes on Brittany. "Anna, please!" No words are spoken from Anna as you and Anna slowly start backing up out of the room. Brittany slowly coming towards you. That only makes Anna angry, stopping in her tracks and tightening her grip on you, causing a pained expression to come across your face. Brittany stops and bites her lip.

"Brittany I will shoot her and I will let her bleed out," Anna spoke, with no remorse. Brittany's eyes began to fill with tears once again, as the two of you lock eyes. You gently nod your head to let her know it's okay. She takes a step back, dropping her head as Anna pulls you out of the room. Brittany watches as the door closes, leaning up against the wall shaking her head. Her top teeth biting down on her lower lip, clenching her jaw. Until soon screams are heard echoing. Immediately Brittany drops the blanket and stumbles to the door. Her fist begin to bang on the door as hard and as loud as she possibly could.

"Anna! ANNA! STOP PLEASE!" Brittany shouted, in hopes the small brunette could hear her cries. But the screaming kept appearing and it kept getting louder as time passed. The redhead girl kept banging her fist against the door, until the screaming stopped. Brittany lowered her fist and put her ear to the door, to hear a door slam shut. But the fills of silence. She takes a few steps back staring at the door, her mind racing of you. Tears form in her eyes as the door swings open. The tiny brunette appearing in the doorway, with a wicked smile from ear to ear and a tilt of the head. Brittany's blue eyes looked at the girl, up and down. "What did you do to her?"

"I taught her a lesson honey," Anna smiled.

"I'm not your honey and I never was," Brittany responds back, taking a step forward. Anna's lips separate, her tongue licking her teeth looking the ginger up and down.

"We've got balls now don't we?" Anna stepped forward as well. The redhead girl shook her head taking another step, standing tall with clenching her jaws. "Now Brittany, let's-" Before Anna could finish her sentence the ginger swings a punch, nailing the brunette in the face. Anna stumbles back as Brittany attacks again, getting several punches in and kneeing the brunette in the stomach. Loud puffs escape Anna as Brittany tosses and runs out the door. Her feet carried her down the hall hearing a loud shout. "COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!"

Quickly Brittany turned to the right and went into a room. She opened the door and went into a little area. Her eyes scanned the little room seeing a knife. Without hesitation she grabs it and then goes through another door. She gets in and closes the door behind her. When she turns around darkness surrounds her. Her hands begin to feel off to the sides to find a lightswitch finally finding one. The girl flips it up blinking a couple times to adust and when she does her eyes widen and her jaw drops.

"Y/N?" Brittany mumbles running over and slides down onto her knees. Carefully she turns your body over, her eyes meeting your face. Bloody and bruised. Bruises, cuts and blood covered your face. The blue eyed girl darted her eyes down your body noticing the blood covering your stomach and some on your legs. She closes her eyes for a moment taking a deep breath before lightly slapping your cheeks to get you to wake up.

"OH BRITTANY!" Anna's voice rings throughout. Brittany jumps and shakes her head, focusing on you. And soon enough your eyes begin to flutter open.


"You're okay. I'm here," Brittany whispers, giving you a small smile. "Try not to speak okay? Do you think you can walk?" You close your eyes a moment and nod a second later. Brittany nods and stands grabbing a hold of your two hands. Slowly and carefully she helps you stand. Once you're too your feet you feel your body buckle beneath you, thankfully Brittany catches you and holds you up. "Just lean on me." You nod your head and she places you arm over her shoulders and the two of you begin to walk towards the door. Yet the door swings open revealing Anna with that same ole twisted smile.

"Miss me?" She asks tilting her head more. "Set her down Brittany and let's go back to YOUR room."

"No!" Brittany fought back. "You do not get to do this to US!"

"Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" Anna shouted walking towards you and Brittany. Brittany stood her ground as you could barely comprehend what was going on. "Do what I say Brittany or it's-"

"It's what Anna? You know damn well you're not going to kill either one of us!" Brittany cut the brunette off. An angry look spread across Anna's face as she shook her head. Brittany clenched her jaw as everyone stood in silence. Within a split second Anna ran towards you and Brittany and quickly Brittany pushes you to the side pulling out her knife. She pulls it in front of her just as Anna runs into it. It sliding into her stomach. You lay on the ground trying to get back up.

"You...You..." Anna began, the air escaping her as Brittany's hands let go of the knife inside the girl. Anna dropped to her knees and leaned against the wall. Quickly Brittany ran towards you, helping you up and the two of you ran out the door, you limping along trying to not be weak...

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now