Chapter 13: Better Together

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Y/F/D=Your favorite drink  

You stared at the tv. The voices of the actors ringing through the room, yet your brain traveled elsewhere. You couldn't concentrate. Your mind racing to last night when you had woken up and seeing Brittany then getting examined periodically to make sure you were doing okay. Which you were but mentally, emotionally you weren't.

"Okay I couldn't find apple juice so I got you Y/F/D instead," Brittany said entering the room. Your head slowly turned as your eyes locked with Brittany's blue ones. She walked over and handed you your drink. Slowly you extend your arm and take the drink. Yet you just place it down to the side of you, looking back up to meet Brittany's concerned eyes. She pulled up a chair and took a seat, setting her own drink on the stand, before grabbing your hand and giving it a tight squeeze. "You alright?"

"Y-Yeah," you stutter, looking away. Your eyes darting to the tv screen. You could feel the girl's blue eyes staring at you, but you stayed staring at the tv of some criminal show.

"Y/N, if something's wrong you can talk to me." Brittany was concerned. You knew that, you could hear it, but she always was. Concerned. Worried. And it didn't matter what you were doing, she wanted to make sure you were okay. "You know you can. So tell me what's up?" Silence fills the air as you slowly turn your head meeting bright blue eyes and a small smile appearing on the ginger's lips.

"What h-happened to A-Anna?" You questioned, hating the fact you had just asked that. Knowing you should feel relieved. You seen her out cold, blood covering her. You should be hoping she's dead, but at the same had no clue how to feel.

"I'm not sure..." Brittany's voice trailed off. You turned your head once more to see her eyes on your body. You bite your lower lip and squeeze her hand. She jumps a bit and you finally make eye contact with her once again.

"I'm s-s-orry." Brittany shakes her head and squints her eyes, while repositioning herself in the chair.

"No, Y/N. There's nothing to be sorry about babe."

"But there is-" You pause looking away from the girl, knowing there was confusion. You took a deep breath and then continued. "I-I should've fought tha-that night."

"Which night Y/N?" The girl asked, tilting her head.

"Well..a c-couple." You swallowed the saliva that built up in your mouth and allowed yourself to digest a minute before speaking. "The n-night I hung myself. The d-d-ay I slit my w-w-wrist. And that night A-Anna h-hurt-"

"No. You don't need to do that Y/N."

"But I-I-I could've he-" Brittany shakes her head.

"Y/N, you and I both know there was stopping her. That wasn't your fault." Brittany paused, tears welling in her eyes as she looked down. Her hair falling down in front of her. You both sat in silence a moment before she picked up her head. Tears rolling down her cheeks. "I understand why you...why you tried to..hurt yourself but I hope you know that I don't ever want anything to happen to you. I don't want your life to end when there's so much to live for. You're so young Y/N. You have a full life ahead of you."

"I-I-I know, but Brittany-"

"No. No but's Y/N." Brittany said, cutting you off. "I don't know if Anna's dead or if they got her. But whatever happens I promise you...I'm staying by your side. You just have to trust me."


"Trust me."

"I trust you, Brittany. But I'm scared..." Silence filled the air between the two of you. Your words slipping out of your mouth and lingering. Brittany's eyes went back and forth between your own as sympathy filled them. She stood up and motioned for you to scoot over. So you did, as she picked up the blanket you lay under. Gently, she climbs in and lays beside you. She puts her left arm over you, pulling you closer. You slowly, carefully place your head on her chest, feeling her fingers mess with your hair. But you let her, waiting for her to speak.

"I'm scared too...But we'll get through this.." A long pause filled the air before the ginger haired lady whispers, "Together."

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now