Chapter 5: Safe Word

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"Anna don't," Brittany said standing up off of the bed. Anna's eyes filled with anger as she walked towards the door. Brittany quickly grabbed the girl's wrist pulling her back. "She had no other option, that's what she thought."

"No other option?! She had us!" Anna shouted pulling her wrist away from Brittany's grip. "She had no right-"

"No right? You took everything away from her Anna!" Brittany screamed. "She was terrified of both of us that night! Do you not remember killing her father or her aunt? Do you not remember the fear in Y/N's eyes when she watched her home burn to the ground?"

"Why should any of that matter? She's our daughter!" Anna stood her ground, staring into the ginger's eyes.

"She's not our daughter Anna! She had a family! You ruined it!" Brittany screamed. Anna bit her lip running towards Brittany, gripping her two hands around the ginger's neck, pushing her up against the wall. Her hands squeezed staring into Brittany's blue eyes. "A-Anna s-stop." Brittany struggled to remove the girl's hands. Brittany grabbed Anna's wrists tugging as much as she could before a word crossed her mind. "R-Red. Red!" Within a matter of seconds Anna dropped her hands, making Brittany slide down the wall beginning to cough hard.

"That word. You still remember," Anna said in an undertone, her eyes wide. Brittany nods her head up and down still coughing. "H-How?"

"I c-can never forget-" Brittany pauses using the wall for support to stand. "You told me t-to say it when something happens. You s-said it to me before going into Y/N's house that night...."

The car pulls up and stops, parked across the street. "Don't worry love, you don't have to do anything," Anna whispered, a small smile filling her lips. Brittany sat in the backseat with her hands handcuffed together.

"Anna, what are we doing here?" Brittany asked, looking out the window across the street. She recognized the house. The agent who lived there with his daughter and his sister. "You just going to kill my whole team?"

"Oh babe," Anna pauses chuckling and turning in her seat. "I know you feel like they're your team with you being on the police force but they don't care for you like I do. They have something very important to us."

"Here? I highly doubt that Anna," Brittany pauses moving her hands and putting them up. "Uncuff me and I'll go talk to Will and get back what he took."

"It's not an object Britt. It'll be best if you stayed in the car till I retrieved our precious bean." Anna took the keys out of the ignition and reached into the passenger seat. Her hands grabbed a walkie talkie and turned around looking into Brittany's eyes. "If you need me, if something happens you hit this button and say 'red'."

"The safe word, got it." She drops her head a moment, shifting in her seat. "Will I be able to hear everything?" Anna nods her head up and down.

"Yes. I'll be back in no time." With that said Anna got out of the car and made sure to lock it. Brittany watched out the window watching the tiny brunette disappear into the night. Within a few moments Brittany heard heavy breathing from the device Anna had handed her. She listened closely hearing shuffling. Moments pass before she hears a different voice.

"Don't move!" The voice spoke. Brittany's eyes widened hearing Will's voice. "Step away from my daughter and put your hands where I can see them and turn around slowly." There's another shuffling noise and muffled breathing.

"Ah, Willis so good to meet you finally," Anna's voice spoke. "I've heard so much about you." Brittany felt chills run down her spine knowing Anna was smiling that wicked smile. "But I can't let go of Y/N. So put down the gun or I kill her right here, right now." Brittany's eyes widened as she fumbled with the talkie. Her index finger traced over the button and she pressed it quickly.

"Red!" Brittany shouted.

"Brittany?" Will's voice said, confusion in his voice. Brittany bit her lip looking up at the ceiling of the car. "What the hell is going on here?"

"Ugh, Britt don't worry. I won't kill the girl. But him that's a different story..." Brittany went to click the button again when there was quick movements on the other side of the device and then a gunshot causing Brittany to jump and drop the device in her hands. Another shot appeared and she looked out the window to the house that was followed by a scream. Her eyes remained on the house. A moment passes and Brittany's eyes widen seeing Anna dragging a young girl out with her hands tied and a gag in her mouth. The back doors open and Anna shoves the girl in, tossing Brittany keys.

"What the hell Anna?" Brittany asks. Anna gives her a glare and shakes her head. "You're covered in blood!"

"Uncuff yourself and do not move!" Anna hisses. "Do not untie her." Quickly, Anna shuts the door and disappears. Brittany takes the keys and uncuffs herself, then looks to you.

"Hey Y/N, remember me?" Brittany asks. You slightly nodded your head, with tears in your eyes. "Good, good." The redhead's eyes look to the door to try and open it, but come to no luck. When she tries to unlock the door she feels a shock to her skin. Brittany pulls her hand away swinging it in the air, to get the shocking feeling to disappear. Her eyes dart back to you who starts messing with your bound hands. Brittany bites her lip and reaches her hand up placing it on your cheek. You look to Brittany's eyes as she tears the tape off of your mouth. You opened your mouth to go and scream and swiftly Brittany cups her hand over your mouth.

"Mmmhmm," is all that managed out of your mouth as Brittany gave you a sympathetic look. As she opened her mouth to speak the smell of smoke filled the air. Her eyes darted passed you to see the house on fire. Her eyes widen and she drops her hand from your mouth. You turn your head to see your house. "DAD!" You struggle to get to the knob, with Brittany grabbing you holding you back, placing the tape back over your mouth. Tears flood your eyes as you struggle in Brittany's grip. Anna stands in front of the house tilting her head watching it go up in flames.

"Shh, Y/N. I got you," Brittany whispers shutting her eyes as she feels your body shaking. "I'm going to protect you. I'm going to help you. Just trust me."

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now