Chapter 18: Tough Love

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Air hit your skin, sending chills down your spin. You limped along following Brittany, her hand guiding your way. Moments pass as the two of you run. You feel the air leaving your lungs, shaking your head from side to side. You go to speak, but can't find the words to say. Your eyes glance around seeing nothing but trees and leaves. Brittany takes a right, down a path the two of you go. Soon Brittany stops coming along a little shed. She stops going up to the side and placing you against it. She bends down in front of you, cupping your face in her hands.

"I'll be right back, okay?" She spoke as you nodded your head up and down slowly. The ginger nodded bring your head forward placing a soft kiss on your forehead. She gets up and goes to the front, barging into the door. You sat up against the side of the shed, biting your lip and leaning your head back. Your eyes reached the sky, that the clouds covered the sun and the blue. All you saw was grey, but for once you felt peace travel through your head. Until you felt a hand cup over your mouth and something pick you up swiftly, turning you around so your back was against them. Then something cold was placed to your temple, you stood frozen in fear as the grip tightened.

"Hey Y/N I-" Brittany's voice paused as she turned the corner. Her blue eyes widened and she shook her head. "Anna..."

"Did you really think you could..could just do that to me?" Anna questioned tightening her grip on the gun attached to your head. Your body tenses, but your eyes remain on Brittany. "I mean..did you really think I would die from such a little knife mark?"

"I was hoping so," Brittany responded watching Anna closely. Her eyes then came to lock with yours. She gave you a soft look before looking back to Anna. "You know you can't keep this up Anna. You're bleeding out as we speak."

"Maybe but I have the one thing you want now don't I?" Anna said, pulling you closer to her body, the gun going further into your skin. A yelp escapes you, but it comes out muffled due to Anna's hand against your mouth.

"Anna, she's a kid." Brittany's eyes stay glued to Anna, nervousness rising inside of her. "She doesn't deserve to be..going through this! She should be living a life. Going out on Friday nights, hanging out with friends, making mistakes, going to school. Not being held hostage by a psychopath." Laughter escapes Anna's lips. Her head flies back. She shakes her head, still little laughs echoing her.

"Awe, Brittany sweetie. I can provide all of that for our child." Anna took a moment, her hands adjusting on the gun. "But she has to be punished for trying to escape and unfortunately you do too."

"No, no I don't. And neither does she! Do you even hear yourself?" Brittany's voice raised. "What happened to the Anna, I fell in love with? What happened to the Anna that was sincere and genuine? The caring and sweet Anna. Where'd she go? Because all I see now when I look at a monster."

"A monster?!" Anna's thumb pulled down on the gun, her index finger on the trigger now. She tilts your head, as Brittany panics and shakes her head. "I'm a monster now? A MONSTER! I FUCKING LOVE YOU AND Y/N. I"M TRYING TO HELP YOU TWO AND YOU TWO KEEP TRYING TO LEAVE ME!"

"Anna, put the gun down," Brittany spoke calmly. Her hands went into the air, to try and come across as non threatening.

"You two drove me to this point. All I want to do IS HAVE A FAMILY!" Anna shouted. You looked to Brittany and soon built the urge to take your elbow and drive it into Anna's stomach. You did it once and then numerous times until her hand dropped from your mouth and the gun off of your head. After you took off towards Brittany, her arms open until you hear a gunshot. You glanced behind you, your body turning a bit and suddenly another loud bang is heard. You felt yourself fall to the ground, your back hitting the yard hard.

"Y/N!" Brittany's voice rang as you looked up at the sky, feeling your stomach burn and twist. You try to get up, but can only look to see red seeping through your shirt. You lay back down, your head on the ground closing your eyes a moment lifting your hands to go over the wound. Soon you felt a warm substance soak onto your skin, the blood coming out.

" bad," Anna's voice sang as she stands back up straight after you had hit her numerous times in the gut. Blood slipped out of her own stomach but she didn't mind as her eyes locked on Brittany's figure.

"What the hell Anna?" Brittany shouted, picking her eyes up from your body. Slowly step by step Brittany took steps closer to you.

"Brittany stop walking towards her," Anna demanded. Brittany looked to Anna and nodded and redirected herself to Anna, her hands in the air.

"Fine..." Brittany's voice trails off as she slowly walks towards the tiny brunette. Anna watches closely and points the gun towards Brittany. Brittany bites her lip and continues to watch. The tiny brunette grips the gun, keeping it directly at the ginger.

"Brittany stop." Anna's eyes scanned the redhead girl shaking her head as Brittany continues to slowly walk towards the girl, until Brittany slowly reaches her right hand behind her. "Brittany, let me see your hands." Brittany didn't listen. Instead she continued to reach behind her and without another second thought Anna puts her finger on the trigger pulling it but only a click appears. Brittany stops in her tracks and looks at Anna with sad eyes. Anna's eyes glance down to her gun before tossing it to the side. Her eyes look back up meeting Brittanys and soon her feet run towards Brittany. Brittany bites her lip , grabbing the gun out from behind her and pointing it at the tiny brunette, pulling the trigger once, twice, three times watching each bullet hit Anna and her body hit the floor as sirens fill the air...

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now