Chapter 16: Separate Rooms

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Your eyes stare at the door, feeling Brittany next to you move a bit. Your head slowly turns to look at the ginger asleep. She's been asleep for at least an hour and a half. While all you've done is sit and stare. But you weren't about to sleep when Anna could come back and hurt Brittany like she had again.

"You should sleep," A voice whispered. You blinked looking to meet Brittany's blue eyes that was red and a bit puffy. And she looked tired. Like she didn't get any sleep when you knew she had to of while you had watched her, or well looked every now and then.

"I sleep when I know we're safe," You respond, looking away. Your Y/E/C eyes looking back to the door, not looking away. A soft, gentle sigh escapes the ginger from beside you. You feel her lean against you, your upper arms touching.

"Y/N, it's okay. Sleep." Brittany's voice was gentle, motherly like in a way. But you shook your head from side to side, crossing your legs over one another. "You need sleep kid."

"No. If i sleep she'll hurt you," you said, not tearing your eyes from the door. Brittany's eyes softened and she bit her bottom lip, beginning to move a bit. Silence fell between you two as Brittany stared at you, you staring at the door. "Staring at me isn't going to do anything Brittany."

"Sorry..." Her voice trailed off "You know she was just angry she-"

"Don't give her the benefit of the doubt. She.. She raped you again." Your head slowly turned, so your eyes met Brittany's. Neither one of you looked away. "I don't care if she's angry or what. She kidnapped us multiple times. She's hurt us in many ways and hurting that. It's not acceptable." Silence fell again, Brittany's eyes looking back and forth between your own. Slowly, you turned your head and started to get up. Quickly Brittany's fingers wrapped around your wrist, pulling you back down and wrapping her arms around you. Hesitant at first you eventually hug the ginger back, closing your eyes.

"I'm supposed to be..the strong one for you, you know?" Brittany whispered into your ear. You bit your bottom lip shaking your head a bit. "I promised you that I would protect you, that I would stay strong and get us out of this mess. I'm-"

"Don't say you're sorry." You cut her off, but don't pull your body away from hugging her. "You're doing good. You're doing everything you can and that's all that matters." Brittany pulls away, cutting your face in her hands. The two of you lock eyes. You notice tears trickling down the ginger haired girl and look away.

"We're going to get out of here. With her dead or alive, we're getting out of here." Slowly you nod your head up and down right when the door swings open. The two of you jump and lean back against the wall. Your eyes lock with Anna's blue ones. The dried blood that was on her face is no longer there. Yet her limp, still awake as she starts stumbling towards us. Her hand reaches into her back pocket, gripping onto something and bringing it out slowly. Your eyes widen seeing a pistol drawn out. From there Anna walks over and points to you with the gun.

"Stand," she says, a blank expression on her face. Your eyes dart towards Britttany who clenches her draw. Within a second Anna rushes over grabbing your arm pulling you up and turning you around, placing her arm around your chest with a gun to your temple. Brittany gets up, standing to her feet. "Brittany get back down."

"Anna, let her go," Brittany said, gently even if there was panic rising in her voice. Anna shook her head no, as you kept your eyes on Brittany. "Anna, please!" No words are spoken from Anna as you and Anna slowly start backing up out of the room. Brittany slowly coming towards you. That only makes Anna angry, stopping in her tracks and tightening her grip on you, causing a pained expression to come across your face. Brittany stops and bites her lip.

"Brittany I will shoot her and I will let her bleed out," Anna spoke, with no remorse. Brittany's eyes began to fill with tears once again, as the two of you lock eyes. You gently nod your head to let her know it's okay. She takes a step back, dropping her head as Anna pulls you out of the room. Once the two of you are out she pushes you down the hall. "Walk." You do as told, slowly walking down the hall with dim or flickering lights along the way. Yet soon enough Anna grabs your shoulder pulling you back and keeping you close, as she opens a door. And once it's open she pushes you in causing to end up on the floor. You close your eyes when you hit the ground and groan in pain, getting back to your knees, only to feel a kick to your stomach sending you flying onto your back.

After a moment you go to get up again feeling something attack your legs. Screams escape your lips, echoing through the tiny room as a metal bar strikes you. Another one attacks your right leg, sending another wave of screams, louder than the first. And so another one comes and there you go again, screaming and beginning to crawl away. "Awe, where do you think you're going?" Anna's voice questions as you turn over onto your stomach dragging your right leg. Trying to go anywhere you could to get away. But seconds passed and you felt a hard strike to your back, causing a high pitched scream to escape and as you screamed they got louder and louder as Anna kept taking the metal bar and striking you.

"Keep screaming, no one can hear you!" Anna shouted over your screams as the metal bar got harder and harder. Eventually, you lay. No more screaming and no more struggling. Anna drops the metal bar to the side, that makes a loud noise that echoes through the bare room. She bends down and looks over your back that has blood coming through your ripped clothing. The brunette then grabs your shoulder turning you over as your breathes are low and your eyes barely open. Anna tilts her head to the side, a blank expression spread through her face. "I'll be back later to play." The girl stands and makes her way to the door, turning off the light switch leaving you in the complete darkness. Slowly you turn back over onto your stomach finding it easier to breathe this way...

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now