Chapter 6: Love and Hate

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-Trigger Warning: Read with Caution-

Your eyes flutter open feeling something going around your stomach. You jump awake, a pain rushing through your body. "Sorry," Brittany's voice whispered, as she pulled her hands away. Your eyes widened wrapping your arms around Brittany. Brittany wraps her arms loosely around you, shutting her eyes. "I got her to untie us for a bit." You pull away nodding your head.

"D-Did she hurt you? What happened?" You ask, looking into Brittany's blue eyes. She motions for you to lay back down. You do so, not leaving her eyes. Her hands begin to wrap a bandage around your wound, bring careful with each touch against your skin.

"No she fixed the wound from the knife," Brittany said, her voice low. "And I told you tried to kill yourself." Your eyes widened and you grabbed her wrist. She moved her head to lock with your eyes. Quickly we look away. "I didn't tell her how. And how many times."

"What exactly was said then Brittany?" You sit up pulling your shirt back down just as a door is cracked open. Both of your heads snap towards the door to see Anna's brunette hair pop in. You tensed at her as she walked in and shut the door behind her.

"Brittany told me Y/N," Anna said. She walked closer sitting down on the bed you were laying on. "Tell me why?"

"Really?" You ask shaking your head. "Because of you, what you put me through. I honestly wish you would've killed me that night we were found."

"Excuse me!" Anna's voice raised as you tensed backing up a bit. "Y/N, don't speak to me in such a matter. I love you and only want the best for you."

"Bull freaking crap! Let me go! Let Brittany go!"

"Brittany doesn't want to go love. Isn't that right Brittany?" Your head turns to Brittany who remains quiet.

"Brittany?" You tilt your head tears filling in your eyes seeing Brittany glance up a moment. The two to of you lock eyes and she quickly looks away. You shake your head going to get up when you feel a hand wrap around your wrist pulling you back.

"I think we should restart. Have a new beginning," Brittany whispers, letting go of your wrist. "Let's forget the-"

"Don't you dare say that! Don't you dare!" You scream. Brittany bites her lip standing up. Anna stands too looking at you, her eyes twitching. "I can't forget the past! How can you? I watched her murder my father and my aunt right in front of me! RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!"

"Y/N, if you don't calm down-"

"Calm down? SCREW YOU ANNA!" You stand up off of the bed, shoving her. She steps back and goes to push you but Brittany quickly steps in front of her. Blocking her from you. "Why are you choosing her side? You're supposed to be on my side! She hurt you!"

"I-I love her," Brittany whispers, glancing over her shoulder at you. You shake your head backing up.

"You love her? You love a psychopath!" You pause pulling up on your shirt and slipping it off. "You love her even when she made me do this" You pointed around your neck revealing a wire mark. Brittany closed her eyes as Anna's eyes widened stepping closer. You pulled out your wrist. "How about these? This is how I tried to kill myself! See Anna! I SLIT MY BLOODY WRIST SO YOU WOULD LEAVE MY FUCKING HEAD!" Within an instant Anna pushed Brittany and pinned you up against the wall. Her hands wrapped around your neck squeezing tightly. You gasped for air but no air would come. Your hands gripped onto Anna's wrist, your nails digging her flesh to make her let go of you.

"I thought we've talked about your tone last time," Anna whispered her eyes glued to the wire mark around your neck, barely visible. "You try to hang yourself and slit your wrists?"

"A-Anything t-to g-get away," you choked out, feeling your eyelids becoming heavy. Anna nodded letting go a bit and looking at your wrist.

"Only one arm?" Anna questions her eyes looking up, locking with yours. "Brittany stop you?" You slowly nodded your head as Anna let go of you. Your back slide down the wall, coughing hard. Anna turned and looked to Brittany. "I'll be right back. Watch her." Anna walks away and out the door. You look up locking eyes with Brittany who slowly makes her way over, bending down picking up your sweatshirt. She hands it to you bending down in front of you.

"Why'd you do that?" Brittany asked, her voice a whisper. You look away shaking your head, slipping your sweatshirt back on.

"Why are you suddenly in love with her again?" You ask avoiding eye contact. Silence fills the air between you two. "I knew you still loved her, but enough to go back. There's no way." Brittany picked up her hand and cupped it over your mouth.

"You need to trust me," she whispers, your eyes locking. "This is the only way." You shook your head, her hand dropping off of your mouth. Before you could speak the door flew open.

"Brittany come on," Anna spoke standing in the doorway. Brittany stood and walked towards the tiny brunette. They exited the room leaving you alone. You used the wall for support, standing up and darted your eyes about the room. It had a bed frame with a single mattress, with one door and then a window in the back. You slowly made your way over to the window. You examine it and shake your head. You take your elbow and start beating it against the glass until it shatters. You glance over your left shoulder looking to the stairs. And wait a moment. Nothing. You put your attention back to the window and pull yourself up and start going out. You let a yelp escape your lips feeling something slit your arm. But you pull yourself out and lay on the green grass.

You sit up and glance down at your arm. Blood trickling down it. You flew your other arm up and covered the wound with your hand, standing up. You take off as fast as you could through the woods.

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now