Chapter 12: Life Is Worth Living

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Your eyes flutter open hearing nothing but buzzing in your ears. Your eyes open and close trying to get a clear image soon seeing fire and a brunette laying face down with their eyes closed. Soon your Y/E/C eyes focus making out the brunette to be the one and only Anna. Panic flows through you as your eyes close once more, feeling your whole body ache with pain. Yet, that doesn't stop you from trying to get up. You place your hand on the ground trying to push yourself but fail miserably. So instead you begin to crawl, dragging your body along feeling every ache in your body worsen.

"Y-Y/N?" A voice spoke, yet you ignored it barely hearing it, as you continued to crawl. Until cold hands grabbed you and helped you stand to your feet, soon dragging you away from Anna. You fight against it, oddly enough. When you feel uneven breathes in your ear. "It's okay. You're okay." You shake your head as sirens filled the air. You looked around seeing the car you were just in flipped upside down and the one side of the car, completely crushed.

The sirens got closer and closer with each second that passed and soon enough you were in the backseat of a car. Your head turns looking to meet Brittany's side profile, her mouth opening and closing as she speaks. But no words were heard in your ears. And soon enough you felt the car moving and soon seen Brittany's blue eyes locked with yours. Her mouth opened speaking once more. Yet you said nothing, not knowing what she was saying and knowing if you tried, nothing would come out.

Moments passed by swiftly as Brittany kept staring at you, you staring back. A worried look spreading across the ginger's face. Yet you stayed frozen, feeling your eyes becoming heavy and full of dread. You fight against it but soon feel your body fall forward, cold hands grabbing you trying to catch you, just as blackness took over you...


"She's not awake and I'm not leaving her," Brittany's voice filled the air, as your eyes fluttered open. You felt your body at peace as a bright light appeared in your face. You slowly gasped for air, feeling yourself choke on something. Small noises escaped you, soon Brittany's voice fills your ears of "I need a doctor!" And moments later a doctor is in front of you , standing over you.

"Y/N, take a deep breathe for me okay?" The doctor spoke, gently. You nodded your head feeling yourself choking but took a deep breath anyways and felt something pulled out of your mouth. Air soon beginning to fill your lungs once again, your mind racing as you begin to cough thinking of when you had tried to kill yourself....

You jump awake, her face the last thing you seen before waking up. Slowly you slid out of the bed and touched the cold floor with your feet. You wince but get up and run a hand through your hair, slowly making your way to the door. Your hand grabs the knob opening it up and exiting the room. Slowly, you walk out, tip toeing on the hardwood floor, passing Brittany's room.

Soon you appear at the steps and walk down the stairs. The darkness consuming your surroundings, but you continue knowing exactly what to do, when the voices in your head were only full of Anna's. And the sick headed torments and all the images of what she put you through. All the memories coming to the surface like they always did, except this time it was much worse. Your hand grabs another knob opening the door to the garage. You open the garage and flip on the light. Your feet carry you to the corner searching for rope or anything to help rid the pain when your Y/E/C eyes finally discover barbed wire.

Gently you bend down to pick it up, feeling it prick at your skin. Blood beginning to escape you already. Drip, drip, drip all over the cement floor. You take a quick glance down, but immediately look back up and close your eyes a moment. But a voice in your head, low and edgy whispers, "Continue." Your eyes open quickly and you walk over grabbing a chair and placing it in the middle of the garage. Your head flies back a moment, looking for something to place the wire, when you see a good spot. Your hand grabs the wire and tosses it, somehow perfectly getting it on the spot.

You position everything and soon get on top of the chair. Your feet in the middle, as your wrap your head around the noose you had made. Tears fill your eyes, but you blink them away shaking your head from side to side. And without a second thought you push the chair out of the way, it makes a loud crashing noise as you feel the wire tightened and cut your skin. You begin to struggle, your legs kicking....

"Y/N? Y/N?" You blink your eyes looking to find Brittany's. A small smile spreads to her lips as she wraps her arms around you. Slowly, you wrap your arms around her, feeling warm and welcomed. Yet soon the feeling disappears as she pulls away and sits down on the edge of the bed, taking your hand into her own. Her other hand messing with the ends of your hair as the two of you sit in silence a couple of moments...

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now