Chapter 19: Last Chapter

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She fell to the ground, coughs filling the air. Brittany stood a moment seeing blood spilling from the side of the girl's mouth. But the ginger quickly turned and ran towards you. She got down on her knees, the two of your eyes locked. "Hey, stay with me okay?" Brittany spoke gently, as she places on hand on your cheek, the other pushing down on your stomach where your hands lie. "You're going to be okay."

"B-Brittany I c-can't..." Your voice whispered, weakly. Brittany nodding her head up and down, her thumb rubbing back and forth on your cheek.

"You can. You can kid," Brittany whispered back, her eyes switching back and forth between your own. "I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you." Your eyes barely open, stare at the redhead girl with tears in both of your eyes. "You know..I filled out the paperwork."

"P-P-Paperwork?" You struggle to get out, moving uncomfortably. Brittany nods her head yes hearing the sirens getting closer. Brittany glances over her shoulder to see Anna laying, body not moving. The redhead turns back around locking eyes with yours.

"For your adoption.." You close your eyes and a small smile grew to your lips. "The first thing we're going to do when we get you out of here, we're going to get those finalized. Okay?" Slowly your head nods up and down as your eyes close. "Y/N? Y/N, open your eyes." Brittany begins to shake your body, the sirens getting closer and closer. Brittany bites her lip, tears beginning to slip down her face as she begins to shake you, her hand remaining on your bullet wound. "Y/N, come on kid. Stay with me... Stay with me..."


Your eyes flutter open, a bright white light entering your vision. You feel someone squeeze your hand. You squeeze back gently moving your head to the side, locking your own eyes with blue ones. "B-Brittany," you whisper closing your eyes a second before reopening.

"Hey you," she speaks, a smile across her face. "How are you feeling?"

"Like c-crap," a soft chuckle escapes your lips as you feel Brittany come closer. "What h-happened?" Brittany shook her head, squeezing your hand gently. "Britt..."

"It doesn't matter right now..." Brittany's voice trails off as she reaches one hand up, placing it on the side of your head, her thumb rubbing back and forth gently against your bruised skin. "What matters is that you're okay." Silence filled the air as your eyes slowly moved away from Brittany's blue eyes. You looked to the front door to see a detective walking in. You knew who it was. A man with a buzzed haircut and a scruffy beard. His skin tan and his eyes dark brown.

"Hey Brittany. Hey Y/N. Glad to see you awake," he spoke, breaking the silence. Brittany's head turned her eyes locking with his brown ones.

"Daniel, you're back from California?" Brittany asked, standing from her seat. Her hand removed from your cheek, but her other hand never unhooked from yours, giving you a gentle squeeze. The detective nodded as Brittany glanced at you a moment and then unhooked your hands as she walked over, wrapping her arms around the tall man. He hugged her back and they hugged a long moment before finally they moved away.

"I am back," Daniel stated then continued. "I got a call you went missing. I knew it had to do with..Anna. I came back and started working on the case. I'm glad you two are okay."

" worked the case to find us?" Brittany took a couple steps back. Her head tilted as your eyes watched her. Daniel nodded his head looking past Brittany to lock eyes with yours. He stepped to the side and walked over to the side of you, taking a seat. Brittany followed sitting in the seat she was originally in, her hand grabbing yours once again, but instead of her squeezing your hand, you squeezed her's.

Psychopath {Anna Kendrick x Brittany Snow x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now