Who is Robin?

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SOTC: Check Yes Juliet by: We The Kings

It was just me and Robin. No one else. I started to freak out, but of course Robin calmed me down. We sat in the same table were we met, in the same coffee shop. Then some how, we started to get really close. To close. Then he leaned into kiss me. And I surprisingly didn't pull away.

I woke up.

My parents we at the end of my bed. Then my mum said, "bad dream" "not quite. What are you doing here?" "y/n we need to talk about the guy you have been seeing." "What? Robin?" "Yes Robin." Then my dad walked in with some coffee. "Who is he?" my dad said.

"Why? Why does it matter?" Then my dad set down the coffee he was holding. "y/n that boy, came into our house, into your room and then held you well you cried on him. Don't you think it's important for us to know who you are hanging out with?" I got out of my bed. "dad no offense, but why the hell do you care? I haven't had a real friend like Robin since 6th grade. Oh and by the way, I'm in my senior year now." Then I walked out of my room downstairs to the kitchen. I could hear my parents arguing in my room.

"We should just leave her be" my mom said. "So now you agree with her? y/m/n your making me look like the bad guy here." "Well what are we supposed to do? Tell her she can't have a friend?" Then I saw my mother come out of my room down stairs.

"Your phone." I handed her my phone. "Now go get ready for school." I looked up at my dad who was at the stair railing. "This is so unfair!" Then I went up to my room to get ready.

I walked to school alone. Then that Tesla modle S drove by again. "Where's your boyfriend?" Gabby said. I rolled my eyes. "He's not my boyfriend" the three girls just laughed and drove off.

I really missed Robbie. I missed him so much, that it actually kinda hurts.

I got through the school day and when I got home I started to look for my phone. 

I found it behind the family picture we took a few years ago. Not surprising. I immediately text Robin.

y/n: Hey Robin! I got my phone tooken away. Met me at the park in 5.

Robin: ok. But why?

y/n: can't talk. See you soon.

I turned off my phone and put it behind the family picture. I grabbed my bag and started to walk to the park.

When I got there he was for some reason excited, then I saw what he was holding.

A ball and two gloves.

"What's that for?" I asked. "We are going to play catch." I grabbed a glove and he threw the ball. "So what did you want to come here?" "I wanted to ask you, if you wanted to go on a date?" He threw the ball back. "A what?!" "Not a date between me and you! A date where we convince my parents, that you are an amazing friend and person." "You think I'm an amazing friend?" He caught the ball and started to walk closer to me. "Yeah, I do" and he stopped one foot away from me. "Well thank you." "Oh and by the way. I'm going to be planning the date." Robin said. I shook my head. "It's getting late. I should start walking home" "I'll walk you home" robin insisted. "No way. My parents don't like you remember?" "I can't let you walk home alone."

Well robin was walking me home I couldn't help but look at him. His hair was so beautiful, his smile was so good damn perfect, and his eyes were what I looked forward to see everyday. Then he looked over at me.

"What are you smiling about?" "Nothing." "Then why were you looking at me?" Robin said slightly nudging me. I stayed quite. Well we were walking Robin stared at me.

Robins prospective:

I really wanted to know why she was staring at me. Well we walked I couldn't get my eyes off of her. She looked like she was panicking on the inside and I had no idea why. I wanted to help, but I think I'll make it worse. So I started a new conversation.

"So why did you get your phone taken away?" y/n eyes just wondered for a bit. "You" "me? Why me?" "Well your a boy, and I hangout with you to damn much."

Your prospective

I'm panicking. IM F*CKING PANICKING! It can't be real. I can't be with him right now. Out of everyone in the whole entire world why did that dream have to be about him. He got to close. Then now at the park....I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to pull him in and smash my lips with his. I hate that I wanted that. I hate that I he is look at me right now. I just want to run away and be far far away from him. I don't want to fell like this. I'm getting sick. My head is starting to hurt. I feel dizzy.

Robin prospective

She is definitely panicking. "Hey are you ok?" I ask. "Um...yeah I'm fine" "you don't look fine." y/n rubbed her forehead. "I'm just a little dizzy" "we can stop for a little" I told her. I'm starting to get a little worried.

Your prospective

I want to get away from him. My head hurts. It feels like I'm getting weak. I don't think I can walk anymore.

Robins prospective

Y/n keep on swerving like a car on the road. Then she just fell. I cought her before she hit the ground. "Y/n!" I called the ambulance. When they got here they asked me who I was. "Why the hell is that important!? She literally passed out and your worried about who I am!?" "Sir please calm down. We could only allow, family or there partner into the ambulance with her. So are you her family or partner?" I didn't know what to do. "I'm her boyfriend" "that's all we needed sir. Now please hurry in"

To be continued

1080 words, I seriously can't believe it.

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