Why Robin?

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SOTC: My Girl by:The Temptations

Robins prospective:

I was in the ambulance, I have never been in one before. It was actually pretty scary, but not as I imagined. "What are you guys doing?!" "We are taking her heart beat." One of the men in uniform said. "Do you think you can tell the parents?" The man asked. "Yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah" I said hastily. I pulled out of my phone and called my mum. "Hey mum, I'm going to send you an address and you have to go and knock on the door and tell them, that there daughter is in the hospital." "Oh..ok" my mum replied. "Leaving now." "Ok, I'm sending you the address." Then I ended the call and sent my mum the address.

"How's her heart rate?" "Very high." He told me. Then looked at one of the other men. "We need to calm her down. Give me the oxygen mask." A man handed him the mask.

When we arrived at the hospital, no one stopped for a moment, everyone and everything keep on moving. Including me. When they went into the back room they wouldn't allow me in. I tried to push through, but the would only push back even harder. "Sir, you can't go back there!" Then they would push me back. "Is she going to be ok?! I need to know if she's ok!" "She will be fine! You just need to stay calm!" Then another push. I finally just sat down in the waiting area. Rubbing my head, because now I have a headache.

Then not a minute later, y/n parents came into the hospital doors and straight to me. I stood up before they got to me. "What the hell did you do to my daughter!" y/n father said. "Mr. y/l/n I didn't do anything to her. She passed out." "No one just passes out!"  y/n father shouted. Then y/n mother pulled him away. "We need to stay calm!" She told him. Then she turned towards the nurse. "when can we see her?" "In a few minutes. We need to take her heart beat again, and then you can see her." "Thank you" then y/n mum pulled y/n dad to sit down.

~5 minutes later~

The nurse then called, "y/l/n family" then me, and y/n parents jumped up. The nurse came over and said, "She isn't awake yet, but you guys can go in there, if you would like." "We would like to go in there" "ok, but I can only have two at a time." "I'll stay. It's more important if the parents go first." I said. Then I sat back down, well y/n parents went back to go see her.

~About 10 minutes later~

Y/n parents came out and walked towards me. "Y/n awake, and she wants to see you." Mrs. y/l/n said. "Thank you for letting me know." Then I got up and went towards the room were y/n was waiting.

Your prospective~Flash back~:

When I woke up, my mom was at my side and my dad on my other. "Where am I?" "Oh, honey, your in the hospital." "What? Wh-why?" "You passed out" my dad said. "No, I was with Robbie, he was walking me home." "Then you passed out" my mum said. "I-where's Robin?" "He is in the waiting room." My dad said. "Can I see him? I need to talk to him" "not until you tell us what happened" my mom said, holding my hand. "What do you mean?" "Tell us everything." My dad said well he gipped my other hand. "What the hell." I said well I pulled both hands free. "You act like I'm dying! I'm fine!" "We just want to know what happened." My mom said. "Nothing happened! I met Robbie at the park and we played catch. Ok? Then I told him I had to go home before you guys got there. Then he insisted on walking me home. Then I guess I passed out. Happy?" "That's all? He didn't touch you?" "For God sakes! Are you kidding me! Robin would never! Why would you even think that!?" "We'll go get robin" then my dad and mom got up and left.

~Present time~Your prospective~

Robin then walked in. "Hey" he said well he closed the door. "Hi" "how are you doing?" Robin sat down. "Robin, go home. Please? I don't want you here." "What? Why?" "I don't want you to wast your time worrying about me." "y/n I going to always worry about you, no matter if I am at home or standing right here." He sat right were my mom sat before. I closed my eyes tight. "no,no,no,no,no" I whispered. "What? Are you hurting?" "I'm fine, it's just...it's nothing. I'm fine." I opened my eyes. "See. Fine" "why are you panicking? Your panicking like you did when I was walking you home." "I'm not panicking! I'm fine!"  "Then why aren't you looking at me? Did I do something?" "You did nothing." "Why aren't you looking at me then? y/n, please just look at me. Your making me feel like I did something wrong." "I can't! I can't look at you because my thoughts will just be jumbling around my head. I don't want that!" Then Robbie held my hand.  "I don't understand." Then the nurse came in. "Hello, so I just got the results back-" then she stopped and looked at Robin holding my hand. "Don't worry, she's not pregnant." She said with a chuckle. Then I let go of Robbie's hand. "We're not together." I said. "oh my god, I am so sorry, I just thought-sorry" "it's fine" Robin said. "um..so I got the results back, and you had a panic attack, and if you were to keep doing what you were doing at the time, then you could of had a seizure. Then we got your heart rate back and it was very excelled then any normal heart rate but when we've matched it to a person that was in love, yours was a very close match." "Impossible" I said. "Why is it impossible?" the nurse asked. "Because who would I be in love with?" "I can't tell you that" then she looked at Robin. She smiled then left the room. "Robin I-" "you don't have to tell me anything. Just tell me one thing." "What?" I ask. "Do you remember when you came to my house and it was about like 6 a.m. and you're very excited, then fig distracted you. What were you going to tell me?" "Oh. It's not important anymore." "Well, I want to here it." Robin said with a little laugh. I looked at him. "I woke up very early that morning and well I grabbed my ukulele and I walked to a "person's" house and I sang them a song and that's it and I guess you can say I was set "free" after I did what I did" "who did you think to?" "My ex-boyfriend"

It was quite for a few minutes. Then my mom walked in. "Hey, sweetie." "Hi Mom" "I'm going to give you guys sometime alone." Robin said as he left the room. The nurse came back again. "The doctor told me to tell you guys that you guys can go home now." "Thank you." My mom said. Then the nurse said, "can I tell you something y/n?" "Yeah. You can" "let the kid help you. You can really learn a lot about love, from another person, but you can only learn if you let them show you." I just stayed quiet. She smiled and left the room. "what was that about?" My mom asked. "Me and Robin" then I got up and started to walk out the door, and my mom followed short behind. Then I saw Robin sitting on one of the chairs next to my dad. They were talking, which is a surprise especially because my dad hates Robin. "Hey guys?" "Hey honey. You feel better?" "Yeah I'm fine. What are you guys talking about?" "We were talking about how I like to sing, and that I can play some mad tunes on my guitar." Robin said. "oh, ok?" "Robin do you need us to take you home?" My mom asked. "No, I'm going to take my mum right now to ask her if you can make me up." "Come on. We insist." My dad said.  Robin looked at me, I just shrugged my shoulders. "Sure, why not."

We all started to walk to my parents car. Me and Robin hopped in the backseat while my parents were in the front.

Robin started to laugh at me. "What?" I whispered. "Nothing" he whispered back. I just nudged him and rolled my eyes.

1505  words, I kinda don't know how you guys read this. It's sorta trash lol.

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