A Bully In Your Head

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SOTC: Banana Bread by: Cavetown

It is the next day, and Robin texts me.

Robin-Hey can I walk you to school today?

You-Yeah ofc.

I got ready and grabbed my bag. "Hey mum, Robin is going to walk me to school today." "Ok sweetie" my mum called from the kitchen. Robin met me outside of my house. "Hey Robin." "Hi y/n. Ready?" "Yeah."

Well we we're walking midway, Robin said,"So, the nurse yesterday told me something." "Yeah? What?" "She told me that I needed to teach you how to love, and be more open." Then Robin looked at me. "She told me the same thing. That I should let you teach me how to love, but I don't know, I know how to love." Robin just keep looking at me. "I do! I love my brother and sister, my parents, and different people." "Calm down. I just thought I would tell you that that's what the she told me. I believe that you can love!" "This is our thing now, you know that right?" I told him. "What's our thing?" "well....walking" "walking is everyone's thing." I just nudged him and rolled my eyes.

"We're here" Robin said. "Yup, welcome to my hell" "it can't be that bad" Robin said. "Trust me, it's that bad." Then I started to walk into my school. "Bye Robin!" "Bye" Robin yelled back.  

I went into class, and set down my bag. I grabbed my (book or notebook and pencil) and started to (write/read), when the mean girls, or that's what I like to call them, showed up. "Who was that boy, who dropped you off at school?" Gabby said. "None of your business, Gabriella." I said. "Well we think he was cute!" Abril said. "Thanks Abril." "Don't you think he would, like, you know want to date one of us?" "No offense Becky, but you aren't his type." "What's his type? You?" Gabby said, then Becky and Abril started to laugh. "So I was thinking, maybe I'll ask him out tomorrow? Thoughts?" Gabby said. They all just stared at me. "Knock yourself out Gabriella, but if he rejects you, don't say I didn't warn you." "We'll see if he can resist me." Gabby said. "Oh and before I leave. Call me Gabriella one more time and see what happens." Gabby never does anything to me. She has been threatening me since the 7th grade, I kind of learned to just leave her alone though. I just smiled and went back to (writing/reading).

Mr. Williams came in for homeroom. "Hello class!" "Hey Mr. Dubs" everyone said. Mr. Williams: Homeroom and Social Study's teacher, Tall, light brown hair, doesn't give a crap about his class, very sexist, and is married. (I don't know how)

After homeroom during passing period We have 5 minutes, so it's enough time so the "mean" girls, can be themselves.

Well I was walking to my next class, I had my (notebook/book) in my hand, and of course, the classic mean girl thing happened. Gabby pushed me and made my book flop on the ground. I picked it up and went to my next class.

I was now in Math class. My teacher was Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Walker: Been a teacher for a LONG time, Short, Gray Hair, involved with after school clubs, Believes in Gay marriage, loves all her students equally, tries to keep up with the trends.

Passing period: I went to fix my hair in the washroom. Well I was fixing it, the "mean" girls came in. "Look Gabs, it's the dork" Abril said. "Yeah, She's trying to fix her hair." Becky said. "Wow. Maybe well she's at it, she could try and fix her body." Gaby said. Then they all laughed and left. Then I looked in the mirror and smiled. "you can make it through the day" I whispered. Then I left the washroom.

Then I went into Mrs. Jordans class. Mrs. Jordan: Lovely teacher, Teaches L.A,  really cares about her students, brown hair, young, very involved with EVERYTHING, everyone loves her, lot of group projects, very very trendy.

Then passing period again. "Hey dork!" Abril said, as she leaned on my shoulder. "Hi Abril." "Hey loser!" Becky said as she leaned on my other shoulder. "Hey Becky"  "hey, you guys that's no way to treat someone. Leave the retard alone." Gabby said well shaking my shoulders. "Hello Gabriella" then they all laughed and went into Mrs. Rays class.

Mrs. Ray: Teaches Science, always in a bad mood, light pink hair, kinda old, kinda young, lots of homework, doesn't teach us sh*t, lots of tests for no reason.

Now it's lunch. As I go in line to get my food, the mean girls cut in front of me, but I learned to just leave them be. "Hey Samantha. How was your day?" I tell the lunch lady. "My day has been wonderful, how has yours been y/n" "best day ever" I said with a fake smile.  "That's good". I grab my plate and go to the courtyard. I usually never sit in the lunchroom.

I sat in a grassy spot and take out my head phones and phone. I put on the album I made that had all of Robins songs. I silently hummed to the song 'Banana Bread' almost knowing every word.

After lunch was done I was heading to Mr. Williams class again. He taught social studies. We do nothing for that class we usually do a study hall. After that class was over I had Spanish.

Of course it was passing period. Well I was walking to my next class, I saw Gabby talking to Mack, a very popular boy. Then Abril and Becky came up to me. "So what? Are you stalking Gabs?" Abril asked. "Why would I want to stalk Gabriella?" "Because you're jealous." Becky said. "Why would I be jealous?" "Because she's talking to Mack, and he's the most popular boy in school." Becky told me. "So?" "You see jealousy is in your tone." Abril said. "Let's go becks" Abril said and they both walked off.

I went into my Spanish class. Mrs. Jaramillo was my Spanish teacher. Mrs. Jaramillo : young but has kids, very funny, short, black hair, really good teacher, and there is never homework.

Then the bell rang and I started to walk home. That's when that same Tesla model S showed up. "Need a ride?" Gabby said. "No thank you Gabriella." "Is it because I talk to your crush?" "Mack is not my crush" "oh, well that's what I told him." "Of course you did Gabriella" "well anyways I got to go, see you tomorrow with your boy toy, bye." And she drove off.

I took a big deep breath and I just continue walking home. When I got home I set down my bag and went upstairs to my room to change. Then I went into my brother's room to ask him if he needed any help with homework again, and he did so I helped him. Then after I was done with that I wanted to my sister's room. She told me that she needed help making a card for Robin, I usually never question it, but of course I helped her. After I was done helping my siblings I went down to the kitchen to see if my mom needed help. I helped her set the table and cook dinner. After dinner, I went up to my room and started my homework because I helped everybody else I had less than an hour to do my homework. I usually end up finishing it but I was so tired and stressed but I really didn't know why? The "mean" girls were surprisingly really nice today, but of course I fell asleep. Then I woke up at 5:10am to finish. Then Robin text me. "Hey, if your up, then good morning!" "Good morning Robin" "^_^" Robin replied.

~To be continued~

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