"For Your Room"

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SOTC:Green by Cavetown

I woke up about 6:30am and I saw that I didn't have any miss calls or text from Robin. He usually is up very early and calls or texts me good morning, so it was very strange that he didn't today. I texted Robin.

"Heyy, I just woke up :)" then I stared at it for a while, then a few seconds later I deleted the text and typed up a new one. "Hey Bun, just wanted to tell you good morning!" It made my face cringe and sent the text, hoping for a reply.

I got out of bed and went to my washroom to brush my teeth. After I brushed my teeth I went to my sister's room to see if she was awake. She wasn't in her room. It was a Saturday so where could she have gone? I went to my brother's room to see if he was awake. He was gone too. Then I went to my parents room...gone too.

I texted my mum. "Where are you guys?" I sent the message. "We went to the new cafe a few blocks from the house. We will just be about an hour or two." My mum replied almost instantly.

Then Robin replied to my text. "Good morning." Was all he said. It felt strange. Out of place, even. I went downstairs and sat on the couch, when Gabby text me.

"Are you wearing a dress?" She asked. "Yes I am." I replied. "Well don't wear an ugly one. Something with bright colors, you look depressed with dark colors. Party starts at 7:30pm" I left the text on read, and set down my phone next to me.

Everything and everyone felt very out of this world. It felt unusual. I felt like I was on the tip of the world. "What's wrong with me?" I thought out loud. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I got up and went to the kitchen, where I was going to get cereal, but I didn't feel hungry. I felt full even though I haven't ate.

I went back upstairs and sat on my bed. I felt sad, or maybe a little tired? So I laid back down and closed my eyes. I couldn't sleep, but now I also didn't want to get up anymore. I looked at the video of me and Robin, but it didn't make me smile anymore. I didn't know what to do anymore.

I put on my playlist of Robin's songs. I just laid there. I feel plain. I feel nothingness. I feel hopeless. I feel like I'm in a black hole, it feels very empty and lifeless. I have a bad headache. I roll over on my side. I closed my eyes again. Turned up the music and went back to sleep.

About 30 minutes later...

I woke up, to the front door opening. I got up and fixed my hair and put on some new clothes, and went downstairs."hey mum" i tried to say in a cheerful voice. Hopefully she didn't notice. "Hey honey. We brought you some green tea." She said well putting down a bag. "Thank you" as I grabbed the tea to take a sip. "It's good." I said trying to give a smile out. Why was it so hard? Why couldn't I give out my natural smile, that I actually meant?

I took the tea upstairs with me and placed it on my nightstand. I tried to keep my eyes open but they started to get droopy. I laid back down and went to sleep.

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