and I oop

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I guess I fainted.

the last I remember was seeing him.

and there I was.

with zhenzhen and the ginger staring down at me, feeling limp in the arms of someone else.

I tilted my head to the side and saw it was the juvie boy holding me.

I I struggled to jump out of his arms and went straight into defensive mode.

'okay what the fuck happened back there?' I said as everyone else stood there in shock.

my legs felt weak and I had a headache from jumping up so quickly but I wasn't gonna show it.

'answer me!' I said as they struggled to find the words to say.

'i told you we shouldve left her' said dariush, so quietly I almost didn't  hear him. but I did.

juvie boy opened his mouth but I wanted nothing to do with him.

'not you,' I said as I fixed him with a steely stare.

'you,' I said to the ginger kid, 'what's your name and what happened?'

'uh, I-I'm Alex.'

'alex,what happened just then and why are you with him?' I asked, stepping forward.

Alex was quite visibly scared - as he should be - I need to know what the hell happened and why they are trusting the juvie kid!

'that's Gabriel and, uh, um,' he answered

I gave him a stare as if to say go on.

'uh, i think you fainted and then gabriel got dariush to stop bugging me and then I told them you'd fainted then we got the emergency signal and then we couldn't leave you so gabriel picked you up and here we are.' he said using one breath while being obviously flustered.

' ok, um, slow the fuck down dude.' I said, 'what emergency signal?'

by this time I knew I was gonna collapse soon, my legs were going numb and my headache was getting heavier.

'the one for the evacuation, we're not supposed to go to metropolitan areas or go near unknown aircrafts'  said Alex in response

I gave a little nod and said, ' well let's get to the camp, they might be waiting for us.'

'I'm with her.' said dariush - who had been quiet for longer than I thought possible - and walked in the direction we had been going in before.

zhenzhen shrugged and walked off in the same direction, leaving gabriel and Alex to follow her.

I was going in and out of consciousness and knew that i was gonna fall over soon.

'ill be fine,'  I thought as I ran to catch up with gabriel and Alex but felt my legs give in.



third person pov

y/n fell to the ground and became unconscious just as she got to the point gabriel and Alex were.


he and gabriel stopped running as Alex tried to pick y/n up.

'it's not that shes heavy, uh, I'm just not the strongest I guess' he said to Gabriel after he had tried to get her off the ground.

gabriel shrugged at Alex and effortlessly picked her up, making Alex gawk at how easy it had been for him.

'god I need to go to the gym' Alex stated as he and gabriel ran to zhenzhen and dariush who were waiting.

'God she can't go a second without passing out can she.' said dariush, annoyed.

'dude cut her some slack' said gabriel as he picked up the pace.

'and why is that?' said dariush.

'it's not her fault'

《 happy together 》 ~ gabriel x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now