are we there yet

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I ran as fast as i could for what felt like miles.

'we should- probably- have a- rest.' said Alex between breaths.

We slumped down at the side of the road and I realised how tired I actually was - my legs were murdering me and my breaths became hoarse.

'oh my god.' I whispered, thinking no one could hear me.

'what.' whispered gabriel in return.

I turned my head to face him, the setting sun was casting orange shadows on his face and shining onto his hair.

'its up to us.' I replied turning back towards the road.

he didn't reply and all I could hear was our coarse, detached breathing and the wind flowing past my ears.

'we can't stop for too long.' said zhenzhen, breaking the silence.

'she's right.'continued Alex, 'we need to get to JPL as fast as we can without being killed by aliens.'

captain obvious strikes again.

'then what are y'all waiting for?' said dariush, making an effort to get his arse of the ground (and failing), 'let's go.'

'should we just continue the way we were going?' I asked.

if we were ever going the right way was another question - but whatever.

'unless you want to be killed by aliens in the middle of LA. yes.' answered zhenzhen, dusting herself off and beginning to run again.

'good point.' said dariush as the rest of us began to run aswell.

god this was gonna take ages.


We ran underneath a bridge that was surrounded by smoke as gunshots were being fired somewhere in the distance.

not the best holiday location - just in case you were wondering.

'oh shit.' panted dariush, 'I told you that was a stupid idea.'

which one?

'you idiots almost got me killed!' he wheezed.

oh, the bus.

'I don't even WANT to be at summer camp.' he carried on, 'I should be in Cabo taking jelly shots off someone's ass cheeks.'

real nice image there mate.

'Slow down. slow down.' dariush puffed.

it was getting dark, we had been running for hours and really needed to rest for the night.

'what do you think these things are after?' wondered zhenzhen.

'Food maybe? resources?' said Alex - once again going into full nerd mode, 'it's possible their planet went dry and they came to raid ours.'

'what gives you that idea?' asked dariush.

'nothing, it's the most common invasion movie plot.' he replied.

'maybe they're here to find mates.' began zhenzhen, 'that would explain the erotic rendezvous with dariush earlier.'

'hey, whoa, no. we're not gonna do all that okay.' said dariush, trying to defend himself, 'that was strictly platonic.'


okay sorry.

'let's just head north okay, to the desert.' dariush said, 'get as far away from that thing as we can get, right? as far away-'

'there is no away from those things' I said.

'y/n' s right.' agreed Alex, ' the only way that wee gonna survive this is if we get this key to doctor fielding. it's what that soldier was gonna do'

'he died.' said dariush, trying to persuade Alex not to go to JPL - there was no point since we had no choice but to go, 'okay look, if a bunch of badass marines can't get that key 40 feet away without getting deep fried, what makes you think that we can get it 40 miles?'

metres or nothing thanks, get this imperial measurement shit out. of. here. (apart from miles tho cuz gotta have a bit of confusion ya know.)

' we have to. ' realised Alex,' it's on us. '

there was a silence that followed while we contemplated whether that really was the only option, or not.

'okay we're not going anywhere till we get some food.' said zhenzhen, breaking the silence, 'maybe even some sleep if we can'

'all right, all right fine. what's up with chico?' he said, nodding his head in the direction of gabriel.

gabriel paused for a second before saying, 'it's my street.'

'great!' said Alex, amazed, 'can we go in your house?'

'that's my house, but it's not my home'

《 happy together 》 ~ gabriel x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now