sleep and shit

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'hey um, gabriel, does your house have a shower or something. I can't find the bathroom?' I asked him.

'oh, yeah, sure.' he said, pointing me in the direction of the bathroom.

'thanks.' I said, closing and locking the door.

i had my shower and when I got out the boys and zhenzhen were already in beds.

shit. did I really take that long?

I found an empty space on the floor and grabbed a blanket.

being cold was not something that was gonna happen - not on my watch (*biatch*)


it took me hours to get to sleep.

it normally takes about that long - don't get me wrong - but you'd think that after cycling a nd running all day I'd be tired.

I wasn't and finally got to sleep a good hour and a half after everyone else had.



early in the morning we were all woken up with a start.

a loud banging sound and a cat screaming brought us all to our senses and out of our groggy sleep mindsets.

We were breathing heavily as we gathered our thoughts as to what the thing that had made the noise was.

'shh shh shh.' whispered zhenzhen, 'aliens'

she pointed towards the window as I held my breath - not wanting to make any noise in fear of it hearing me.

'yeah.' muttered gabriel, 'we gotta go.'

we quietly claimed out of our respected beds and got changed - me and zhenzhen in the bathroom and the boys in their room.

'hey, are you lot decent?' I asked, tapping ont he door to the bedroom.

'the fuck does decent mean?' asked dariush.

'do you have bloody clothes on you twat?' I said, exasperated.

'oh yeah, we're good.' said gabriel, allowing me to open the door.

'okay, we gotta go. now.' concluded zhenzhen.

We sneaked out the door and shut it as quietly as possible: waiting until it was almost shut to push it closed.

'follow me' said dariush.

he lead us to the washing lines again and we pushed our way through them.

'you see anything?' whispered dariush.

gabriel whispered in return, 'no, come on.' earning a shush from zhenzhen.

We shuffled around a bit, pushing past the sheets, scared to death there would be something behind them.

'guys, we should turn back.' muttered Alex.

and go where?

'we can't now, man. we're already here.' replied dariush, quietly.

'dude I'm telling you, this is how people die in movies.' Alex whispered.

wow, never would have thought it.

five kids sEaRChInG fOr cLuEs in somewhere where a monster or alien could easily hide is definitely safe.

'guys you see anything.' asked zhenzhen.

'you need some febreeze on these sheets.' said dariush.

'they've been out for a day, it's probably just rainwater smell.' I replied to dariush.

'AH! Oh! oh.' shouted dariush, who had managed to walk into a horse on a carousel.

suddenly, a gun behind the horse cocked.


《 happy together 》 ~ gabriel x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now