return of the evil space dog

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I closed my eyes and was shoved to the side just as the evil space dog leaped.

I opened my eyes as everyone started to scream.

the creature jumped into the laundry shoot and i was left  to just stare in amazement at how that had actually worked.

immediately zhenzhen closed the opening and locked it.

thank fuck.

We stood up as the evil space dog started to bang the metal of the shoot - probably denting the inside.

'go, go' said dariush as we turned around to walk out the way we came.

'come on' I said wandering in front of the others.

a low, growling noise began from the other side of the door and I could see the shadow of the alien.

and just as i thought I was safe.

'go go gO GO RUN RUN!' said Alex - his voice getting louder and louder as he went on.

We turned around and ran to the window.

dariush made his way out, followed by gabriel.

'dude QUICK!' I shouted.

i couldn't see the alien - but I didn't need to - I knew it was there.

'shit let's go.' said dariush, moving forward for the sake of it.

'come on, let's go.' said gabriel

no shit sherlock.

I carried on moving forward as Alex took a breather by the wall.

suddenly a large crack sounded and I spun around.

the alien had punched the wall with its claws right next to Alex.

that was real. he could've died.

gabriel pulled me to the left as zhenzhen took Alex to the right.

'dude! get off me!' I said brushing him off - but he didn't let go - and he was pretty strong but whatever.

he pulled me under some wooden stairs, 'what are you doing?' asked dariush - who had followed us there.

'come on' gabriel said, as I scooted over the the side - creating space for dariush to hide.

dariush was breathing quickly and I felt my heart start beating rapidly in my chest.

'if you pass out now, I swear to god I will eat nothing but salad for the rest of the year' I thought as my vision blurred.

but I kept consciousness.

'where is it?' whispered gabriel m, looking out of the cracks between the stairs.

dariush held his breath.

if  dariush has shut up - it can't be okay.

《 happy together 》 ~ gabriel x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now