that key

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'i don't think anyone needs to get hurt tonight.' Lou concluded.

thank god.

I relaxed my hands and let them fall to my side as the tension in the air thinned.

'but Alex.' he continued, 'would you be so kind as to give me that?'

the key. he meant the key.

Alex looked down at the chain around his neck that held the key.

'this?' he asked, touching the metal defensively.

'yeah.' replied Lou, raising his eyebrows as he nodded.

'this is our only shot at defeating the aliens.' said Alex as he held the key up to clarify that he was not gonna let it go from around his neck.

'yeah' proceeded Lou, looking around, 'that means someone will pay a lot of money for it. give me... the key.'

Alex brought his hands down from above his head and finally said, 'I cant'

he pulled his shirt out in front of him and dropped the key (which was still around his neck) down to keep it safe.

good on you dude.

'I made a promise.' said Alex, not once letting his gaze shift from Lou.

'Alex, Alex, give him the key, enough, okay?' said dariush, quickly and desperately.

'you give me the key and walk away.' Lou began, 'or I can cut your head off and take the key from the stump.'

that went from 0-100 real quick

Alex stepped back as our expressions changed to fear.

this was not going to plan - not that we even had one in the beginning.

'I trusted you?' said Alex, bewildered.

'cemeteries are full of people who trusted me' Lou replied.

he's a fucking serial killer.

good one Alex (and dariush but whatever).

'oh shit.' said dariush.

We began to step backwards - no one wanted to eb anywhere near that murderer - but he kept walking towards us and there was no place to go.

just then, one of the other men screamed.

an alien had punctured his stomach with it's grotesque talons.

Lou shot at the alien but it didn't kill it.

'oh shi-' shouted dariush as the alien cut lou and another man's heads off with a single cut. just leaving them to bleed on the ground.

'HURRY!' I yelled, turning a round and running with the others.

'RUN!' screamed Alex, going falsetto as his voice went up about 2 octaves higher than normal, which would've been funny if we weren't being chased by an alien that wanted us dead.

We ran around, what looked like, a swimming pool that had been covered with tarpaulin and met on the other side.

'COME ON!' I yelled at gabriel.

he had stopped at the edge of the pool and was just standing there.

one of Lou's men tried, frantically, to shoot at the alien; but it was no use. the alien just turned around and ate his face - not exactly the nicest way to die.

We tried jumping over a wire fence that boxed us in and climbing it but got nowhere.

'GABRIEL!' yelled zhenzhen and Alex.

'GABRIEL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' screamed dariush as gabriel stepped further across the pool and ont he tarp.

' ZHENZHEN! THROW ME THE GLOWSTICKS!' he shouted, motioning for zhenzhen to get the glowsticks out of her pack.

'GABRIEL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' asked dariush and Alex, almost in unison.

I couldn't bear to watch so I turned away and scrambled to find a way over the fence that blocked our only way out.

'for gods sake you moron, be careful.' I whispered.

I kicked the metal before realising the holes in the fence were just big enough for me to use as footholds.

i climbed my way up partially until I heard dariush shouting, 'GET OUT GABRIEL!'

i turned around - while being carful to hold onto the the fence - and felt the fence sway as gabriel was knocked into it.

I looked down to see the alien, trapped in the tarpaulin, frantically trying to escape but only making it harder to escape.

I jumped down since the way that the alien had come was now safe and we didn't have to climb the fence any longer.

'thanks.' I whispered into gabriel ear before sprinting forward.

and I swear I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye - but I didn't look back to check.

《 happy together 》 ~ gabriel x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now