kids on bikes

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me and zhenzhen went straight to our cabin and put on some clean clothes.

smelling bad for 70 miles was not on my to-do list - and would never be, by the way.

'hey can I use your bag?' I asked zhenzhen, 'it's just for phones and stuff.'

she looked at me for a second, wondering whether she should let me or not.

'uh, yeah, I guess.' she replied.

'thanks' I said and passed her my phone.

there was a bit of an awkward silence after that - what were we supposed to say - "oh yeah did you see that alien?" or "do you think things pet was a dog or not?"


'um. I'll go see if dariush, gabriel and Alex are ready yet.' muttered as I shuffled out of the cabin, closing the door behind me.

I wandered towards the main road to see if they'd already stopped there to get their bikes ready or something.

they had.

'hi.' I said, giving a little wave as I did.

'hi.' muttered the boys, nearly in unison - but not quite.

'uh, zhenzhen will be here in a minute,' I pointed out, trying to make conversation, 'so, you know, don't get on your bikes and cycle off yet.'

'so does anyone actually know where we're going?' asked dariush, 'cuz, I'm not getting lost up in here, ya know'

'no. but once we get to the sheriffs station, we probably won't need to go any further.' replied gabriel.

'I'm sorry but, sheriff sounds like it's from the wild west or something.' I chuckled, 'can't you just say police station?'

'goddammit y/n. do you need to make perfectly fine American words into shittier versions of them (a.k.a your version of English). and anyway,' continued Alex, 'it doesn't matter.'


'hey' said zhenzhen as she brought her bike ove rto us so we were standing in a line next to each of our bikes.

'hi. can you help with teaching Alex how to ride a bike?' gabriel said to zhenzhen.

'yeah, sure' zhenzhen replied as we walked forward and down the road.

'alright, dariush, you get ton one side of Alex and zhenzhen get ont he other. and, we'll get him up to speed.' said gabriel, trying his best to lead the group.

zhenzhen and dariush (to my surprise) did as told and got into their psotitions for operation teach Alex how to ride a bike.

' ahem.' I coughed.

' what? ' asked gabriel, oblivious tot he fact that I hadn't been given something to do.

I motioned my head towards Alex and the other two which made gabriel realise what on earth I was on about

'oh, um, you can, uh, just ride, I guess.'gabriel shakily responded.


《 happy together 》 ~ gabriel x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now