im awake

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when I came round we were back at camp.

'w-what happened, did I faint?' I asked drowsily.

I felt really light headed and couldn't be bothered to check what was happening around me.

'IS ANYONE HERE?' shouted Alex to no one in particular.

'yo, do you see anybody?' asked dariush, 'oh what's that?'

I tilted my head so I could just about see a cardboard sign splattered with red paint - or large red markers (there's really no difference).

'gone down mountain.' dariush muttered, 'OH THEY LEFT US.' he said, not so quietly.

'not all of them' replied gabriel.

that was when I finally brought my attention to where I was.

I tried jumping out of his arms again but this time he was ready.

gabriel gently put me down by the sign and caught me off guard.

'uh what' I said groggily.

'just didn't want you fainting again I guess.' he said with a shrug. and ran towards a set of picnic benches which appeared to have someone spread across them, sleeping.

was that Conrad?

'it's heavy metal Conrad.' said dariush, running over to the bench.

thanks for answering mate.

'CONRAD' shouted Alex while also sprinting to the picnic bench.

that kid needs to calm down, we can all hear him without him shouting at the top of his lungs.

I tried to push myself up and towards where the others were but immediately felt a headache coming, so sat back down.

'Conrad.' said gabriel

'is he dead?' questioned dariush.


I focused my mind on blocking out all sounds so I could concentrate on standing up and not fainting.

breathe in, breathe out.

i felt my headache disappear and my legs gained feeling.

just as I felt normal again a large explosion sounded not too far away from where I was.

gabriel, dariush, zhenzhen and Alex ran out of the building and gabriel rushed over to help me get over there.

'dude I'm fine, jeez' i said as I shrugged him hand off my shoulder and went to join the others.

he stood there for a second but another explosion went off and he came over.

'those are F-22 raptor air superiority fighters.' said Alex, while managing to sound like the biggest nerd this side of the black hole.

'what the hell are those ships they're fighting?' asked gabriel.

'I've never seen anything like them.' said Alex in awe.

he is geeking out to the max right now.

'how is that even possible? Alex doesn't know the name and everything else about a plane.' I said sarcastically.

'oh ha ha.' he replied.

the air superiority fighters started getting louder and it took us a second too long to realise they were coming our way.

We turned around to run just in time for the plane to not hit us but go to the exact spot we had been standing in a couple of seconds earlier.

'RUN! GO, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE. GO!' shouted dariush as we sprinted forwards, 'HURRY UP!'

'GO GO GO! MOVE OUT THE WAY!' he shouted once again.

a ship/plane shot the ground we were running to and we had to take a sharp left to not get frazzled like the bacon they have in america (big up British bacon).

'COME ON! COME ON!' yelled Alex, ' GO!'

we stopped as zhenzhen noticed an egg shaped object with light pouring out of some of the sides fly down right in front of us.

'OH LOOK OUT' I exclaimed as we were flung backwards into the ground by an explosion.

the force of the impact knocked the air out of my lungs and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

but I recovered just in time to see the large pod fall only meters away from me and the others.

《 happy together 》 ~ gabriel x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now