best scene in the movie

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I smiled at gabe and stood up.

god fucking damn it I didn't deserve this.

'we should probably get going, they'll probably set the shopping center on fire if we don't!' I joked, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

'ha, yeah' he grinned.

I walked out the shop and went to find the others.

'hey are you guys decent?' I said, raising my voice.

'yeah' said dariush in return.

I stood still as I smelt smoke coming from a carousel - also, what is up with carousels? they're everywhere!

'hey, y/n, what is it?' whispered gabe while dariush looked away, probably to find gucci.

'smoke' i replied, quickly and concisely, while walking towards it.

'and they actually started a fire while we were gone.' said gabriel, tutting.

'called it.' I sighed.

We began to try and squash the flames under our feet by stepping on them, cutting off the oxygen and (hopefully) stopping the fire.


*queue the best scene in the world*
*I have no idea how to write this scene down in words so here ya go and I'm sorry I couldn't find an English version 😂💖*

*just image you're there and it ends at 29 secs okay thx xx*


after our dAnCE pArTy, we walked forward - just laughing about the dumb shit we had just done.

'guys guys.' Alex smiled as he slowed down to stop by a mannequin wearing adidas and holding a lighsaber.

' what?' I asked.

'look' he said

'what's up?' questioned dariush, nonchalantly.

'yeah, Mannequin Skywalker.' grinned Alex, finally.

I hate you so much.

that was not a good pun and never will be.

je ne suis pas amusé.

'man if you don't.. .' said dariush, before thinking about what Alex had said, 'now, now you know what? that was - that was good. that shit was funny. that was pretty good, gimmie some.'

dariush fist bumped Alex, which no one was expecting, and Alex's face broke into a smile that reached from ear to ear.

'while we're here, we might as well fill up our waterbottle and grab some food.' I said.

zhenzhen turned around and marched off in the direction of a store that had an employees bathroom.

'don't get a plastic bottle though because I will bombard you with many.' I shouted, making her roll her eyes.

'fine.' she chuckled, walking into the shop.

'dariush?' I asked, while he was fixing the way he styled his outfit so he would look good.

not necessarily nice though because, do not forget, that dariush comes to summer camps wearing designer brand shirts and trousers : proving that he has no sense of style whatsoever.

'huh?' he said, not even looking up.

'you could go to the bathroom and get the gunk off your shoes.' I replied,he raised any eyebrow and looked at me, implying that he had never had to wash anything and needed someone else to do it.

he sighed and picked up his shoes from where he had been changing.

I looked at gabriel who had his mouth wide open - gabsmacked.

'o-okay then.' I said.

ok, first of all, what?

and second of all, what?

《 happy together 》 ~ gabriel x reader DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now