it's not a water pistol

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'not another step.' commanded the man with the gun.

I did not need to be asked twice.

'move' commanded one of the men.

' im backing up! ' dariush clarified.

I swear, if we die now I'm gonna be so pissed.

'the hell are you doing out here - we're in the middle of an alien invasion? ' asked another man, obviously rhetorically.

'oh yeah, I mean, and you're the ones with the purge masks...' said dariush, not even trying to hide the fear in his voice, 'wrong genre bro.'

'dariush, can you ever shut up?' I muttered.

'oh we got a comedian here?' said one of the men as he stepped closer to dariush and cocked his gun.

I stepped back but was stopped by one of the men shouting, 'STAY RIGHT THERE!'

I froze - dying right now wasnt on my agenda, and never would be.

'no.' defended dariush.

'NO! there are aliens out here, okay?' shouted gabriel as he tried to stop the men from murdering us, 'we're not the enemy!'

damn fucking right we're not.

eventually a man replied, 'you guys got something we're looking for.'

I gulped and almost stepped back, but thought better of it.

'dignity?' asked zhenzhen, making me have no choice but to stifle a laugh.

'what'd you say?' asked the man, making zhenzhen look down and brace herself for the worst.

'eeeeverybody caaaaalm doowwwn.' said another man - he drew out his words to make them twice as long as they needed to be and walked even slower, 'looook what we fouuuund.'

the man paused and pulled his mask off his face.

'Lou!' said Alex, relieved.

'who's lou?' I murmured, not wanting any of the men to hear, for fear that they would be the last words I ever said.

'OMG LOU!' Alex said again.

'oh, thank you baby jesus.' thanked dariush, letting his guard down and gasping for breath, 'thank you God!'

'lou!' repeated Alex.

'thank god.' dariush said.

'hold on, hold on. you KNOW this guy?' said gabriel walking forward only to be pushed back again by the man that wasnt lou.

'do we know him? hell YEAH we know him!' yelled dariush.

I couldn't determine whether this was his plan or if he was just being dumb - possibly both.

'we go WAY back! lou, my negro!' said dariush.

(I would like to point out the fact that I do not know if writing the word that he says is racist or offensive in anyway to anyone. I am white and I do not mean that word in an offensive way at all. I love you all no matter your race or gender or sexuality or how you look or anything - unless you're a serial killer but that's another thing - I hope I'd didnt offend anyone with anything and I love all of you so so much 💖💖💖)

'lou, you know me! we're like this.' said dariush, desperately lying but I wasnt gonna be the one to call him out on it. him dying is also not on my agenda, 'I wanted to free. A-Alex was the one who was like "leave him in there" and I was like "dude let's free him: he's a human". do you mind if you could tell these handsome men - the ones pointing shotguns at out faces to... not... not do that?'

'please?' pleaded Alex.


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