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Alexandra's POV

The funreal of Benjamin Saltzman, my father, protector and best friend was today, in his hometown, Boston, Massachusetts.

I woke up with that thought in mind, I didn't feel like crying anymore though, I did enough of that over the last few days. I knew I had to get up so I did, staring at all my stuff already packed in boxes and bags, i dragged my tired body clothed in just shorts and a tank top down the stairs. I grabbed the box and lighter off the kitchen table before I walked out the back door into the garden. I sat down on the step and pulled out a white cylindrical cancerous object from the box, placing it in between my lips, I lit it and inhaled deeply.

A bad habit I picked up after his death, you could say it brought me some form of comfort, my father smoked ever since I remember, he always smelt of the burning tobacco. And now that he's gone his last unfinished packet of fags was left in the house, I couldn't let it go to waste.

I remember it as if happened a few hours ago but then again doesn't everyone say that about the most tragic events in their life? Because this was most defiantly something I'll never be getting over. I was always a daddy's girl, I must say I had a decent life, a rebellious teenager with the right amount of friends, good grades, always going out to parties and trying new things, getting a taste of the world but mostly I had a father that cared for me more than anything else in the world but now? My whole little perfect life came crashing down and I did the only thing I could think of, I cried my eyes out but today is his funreal so today it all stops and I'll be strong, for him.

It happened 3 days ago, I was waiting for him to come back from the shop, it Sunday night, it was our father and daughter night. Every Sunday we'd sit down and watch a movie on the couch while we devoured all the snacks and junk food possible, but we ran out of paprika spicy crisps. It was a must for those Sunday nights we both had a love for spicy food. He went out to get more but after an hour he still wasn't back, I rang his phone multiple times but it went straight to voicemail the sense of dread descended upon me. Half an hour later the police came to the door, I opened it and immediently broke down.

He died in a car crash, a drunk driver lost control and they collided at the traffic lights. The driver was already taken by the police, awaiting his trial in court but that didn't make it any better, he took away from me the only person I had that was always here.

I took the last pull of my fag and tossed it into my neighbours garden, I knew I wasn't going to be bothered cleaning up the butt's in my back garden, I should've probably used the ashtray that was on the table on the far side of the garden but I didn't exactly have the effort to walk all the way over and I doubted I would've actually got it in if I threw it.

I made myself a cup of coffee and sat down by the island in the kitchen. Food wasn't exactly an option, my stomach was filled with everything but hunger, there was no way I would be able to keep anything down. My mind was blank as I stared at the wall drinking my coffee in silence.

The doorbell rang, of course I knew who it was, the police rang him when father died and we spoke briefly over the phone. I haven't seen him since I was about 10, he never really came to visit after an argument him and my father had but I wasn't surprised it was a day and 12hrs car drive. I opened the door to reveal Alaric Saltzman, my father's brother. He didn't get to say an akward 'haven't seen you in 7yrs now you're coming to live with me' greeting because the minute I saw him I launched myself into his arms.

He seemed a bit startled but slowly wrapped his arms around me while smoothing down my hair with one hand, letting me cry into his neatly ironed suit. It was easy to cry around my uncle, I knew he cared for his brother just as much as I did, he understood and that may be the only thing in common we have but looking at him I saw so much of my father. So much for not crying today...

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