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(Not sure if anyone actually noticed but just accidentally Published CH26 so here's an extra chapter today as an apology)

Alaric's POV

I walked Jenna home after whatever happened at the grill.

"thanks for getting me home, that was kinda crazy" Jenna said as we stood outside the door.

"Jenna are you going to be okay?" I asked, I just wanted to make sure. She nodded so I sighed "look, Isobel is dead, and there are things about her death that I can't tell you, that aren't for me to tell, you can be upset and hate me. I get it, but just know that I love you. At least I can tell you that much"

"Goodnight Ric," was all she said and I did get it but all this vampire mess I couldn't drag her and Al into it.

"Goodnight" I sighed in defeat "Jenna could you check if Al is inside I'd take her home" I suddenly realised I haven't seen her.

"Sure" she said as she opened the front door, leaving it opened so I could see inside.

"Hey, you made it home"  Elena said.

"Tonight was very weird, have you seen Alex? Alaric is looking for her." Jenna asked, nodding her head towards me.

"em no.. I actually haven't I thought she was with you?" Elena frowned. "ill ring Caroline and Bonnie and ask she's probably with one of them" Elena reassured us. "come on in Ric."

I walked in and started pacing as Elena rang both Caroline and Bonnie, both said they haven't seen her since the grill. I couldn't believe I failed already, she hasn't been here for that long and I already, fucked it up. Jenna placed her hand on my shoulder "I'm sure she's okay Ric don't worry" she comforted me.

My phone started ringing, I immediately answered. "hello?"

"is this Alaric Saltzman? Legal guardian of Alexandra Saltzman?" came a very professional voice.

"yes, yes, it is, is she okay?" I asked frantically.

"I'd like you to come down to the hospital as soon as possible Mr. Saltzman."

"of course is she okay what's wrong" I tried to ask

"everything will the explained when you get here"

"okay ill be there in 10 minutes"

I didn't even look back at Jenna or Elena, instead I went straight to the hospital. It probably wasn't a good idea to drive after having a few drink in the grill but right now I couldn't care less. I don't think I've ever drove so fast in my life, I was too wrapped up in my drama with Jenna and I didn't even notice she was gone or something happened, how could I have been so careless.

When u came in I went straight to the reception "I got a call, where Alexandra Saltzman" I asked urgently.

The young woman at the desk started checking the computer for three years, I just rolled my eyes and left towards the Emergency room I'd be faster finding it myself, looking into each room my panic only worsened. A doctor saw me rushing and stopped me.

"who are you looking for Mr..."

"Saltzman, I'm here for Alexandra, I got a call." I explained

"right this way Mr. Saltzman" she walked me fo n past another few rooms before we walked into one.

Alexandra was laying on the bed, there was bandages covering her arms and a big plaster on her forehead, she was connected to the IV, there was a half empty blood bag hanging too. Her face way pale and her hair knotted, but her heart was beating steadily on the heart monitor.

Too Dangerous (Elijah Mikaelson) Where stories live. Discover now