°Ch°3°Mystic Grill°

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Alexandra's POV

I woke up really refreshed, snuggling into my bed sheets I didn't want to ever get out, but of course Alaric had to ruin it when he came in "Come on get up sleepy head, you've been out ever since I came back last night and you're still asleep"

I just mumbled some words telling him to go away "come on lazy move it" he laughed as he tried to grab the blanket off me

"go away" I held onto it for my dear life, eyes still shut tightly.

"I made you coffee" he whispered, I opened one eye and stared at him trying to decide if it was worth it.

"Fine, fine" I huffed out a breath as I rolled of bed and held my hands up for him to help me. He sighed amused but took my hands anyway and pulled me up. "thank you" I kissed his cheek before moving around him, heading towards the bathroom.

One of the worst things about weed? The aftertaste in your mouth the next morning is horrific. I sat down in the kitchen with my coffee and couldn't help but be positive about today, Alaric announced we'll be having Lunch with Jenna at the grill so that's exactly where we went. Sitting down Alaric said Jenna texted him saying she'll be a few minutes late so we ordered our food while waiting. I got a strawberries and Nutella milkshake along with some salt and chilly chips while Alaric just got a burger and coke.

When jenna came in she leaned over and kissed ric on the cheek before sitting down beside me "Hey Alex, actually I have a question for you, well more like a favour."

"sure what's up?" I asked a bit confused.

"Alaric told me you love history right?" she asked, I nodded, taking a sip of my milkshake. "great well I got ropped into helping Carol Lockwood with the historical society. A writer is coming here today, he's writing a book on small town Virginia and I've to be his welcoming committee, Carol pulled the death husband card so I was wondering if you'd come with me" she explained.

"Sure I don't mind, I might learn a thing or two about this town while entertaining some old man" I shrugged smiling.

Jenna laughed, "you and me both Alex" she sounded as if she was pitting them both.

After a while we had to leave to meet the guy, whoever he was so Alaric told us to have fun with while he stayed at the Grill. Jenna drove us to the Major's house. Once we were inside the room was filled with mostly older cranky looking women, well at least they'll be excited to see some old writer come in. The person I assumed to be Carol Lockwood immediately walked over to us with a tight smile.

"Hi Jenna, in so glad you could make it, and you brought some one?" her gaze fell on me as she offered me a welcoming smile.

"I'm Alex Saltzman, Alarics niece" I introduced myself and we shook hands.

"well Mr.Williams has already arrived, he should be here any minute and I'll introduce you." Carol said just as a handsome young man walked in through the door, he wore an elegant suit and couldn't be older than his mid twenties.

His eyes trailed over to us and he made his way over, I couldn't help but stare, God he was gorgeous and looked so mature, as if he knew everything the world had to offer. "Mrs.Lockwood" he attracted her attention.

"there you are Mr.Williams, This is Jenna Sommers and Alex Saltzman, they'll be leading you around while you're here" she announced.

He shook hands with Jenna, giving her a polite nod "Ms. Sommers" before offering me his hand with I also shook. He had a firm grip and brought my hand up to his lips as he stared me in the eye, I could feel my heart beat faster as he smiled at me "Pleasure Ms.Slatzman"

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