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Alexandra's POV

I couldn't really sleep last night, I kept thinking about Eljiah, he was no doubt a gentleman but he seemed a bit odd at times, definitely not an ordinary guy. Last night I kinda freaked, but then again I couldn't deny we had a connection, his words just took me by surprise, no other guy has ever been so straight up about what he thought about me while Eljiah made it clear he has an interest in me. Of course I was never the girl for long term relationships. In Boston I had a good few flings but they were usually the result of a drunken night at some party, if they wanted to continue we became friends with benefits for a while but nothing like that ever developed between any of them. I might sound slutty but there's nothing wrong with indulging in a night of pleasure every once in a while but something told me that's not all Elijah wanted, and that's exactly what scared me. I never went for anything more with any of the guys in Boston because I just didn't really feel it. I don't know if I do with Elijah but yesterday was intense.

I crawled out of bed, his suit jacket still around my shoulders, it smelled amazing but I'd never admit I actually slept in it. I felt the need clear my head, I put on a pair of leggings and a sports bra before I headed out the door but not before I made Ric coffee and put a small note underneath informing him I was going for a jog. With my earphones in I hopped down the stairs and outside into the surprisingly warm morning. I ran for a good while not sure exactly where I was going.

I ended up by the grill, passing a few coffee shops I suddenly crashed into someone, sending them flying and me on top of them.

I opened my eyes to see Elijah's deep chocolate ones, we lay there for a minute regaining our composure. He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist and helping us both up from the ground, "you can't seem to stay away can you Alexandra?" his eyes trailed over my body, taking in my attire.

My face flushed, then I noticed a dark stain on his crisp white shirt and realised I must've knocked the coffee cup that now lay about a metre away from us out of his hand. "Eljiah I am so sorry, I really didn't mean to and now I ruined your shirt!" I started frantically apologing.

"it's okay Alexandra, you can make it up to me" he offered with a cheeky smirk.

"how?" I asked cautiously

"after I pick up all those things from Jennas you can help me sort through them, there is an awful lot of it" he sounded like he would genuinely appreciate the help and to be honest I felt bad, I did see how much of it there was.

"Sure, it's not like I've much else to do, where will I meet you?" I accepted.

"I'll pick you up around lunch" he announced

"how do you know where I live...? And actually my full name" I asked suddenly realising

"Jenna had a chat with me, I also have your phone number" he grinned cheekily.

I sighed "of course she did" I groaned.

He only chuckled "I must be leaving for now but I'll see you later on today Alexandra, I do apologise for my behaviour last night, it was highly inappropriate and I assure you it won't happen again" he stared at me intensely as if reading my reaction.

I blushed a bit remembering "it's fine, I shouldn't have freaked the way I did, it's just that I dont really know you so...." I shrugged trying to seem as if it doesn't bother me.

"that's perfectly understandable however I do plan to change that" he just said bluntly, making his intentions clear.

I just nodded smiling "See you later Elijah" as I ran off without waiting for a response.

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