°Ch°6°Tea Party°

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Alexandra's POV

I got changed into a simple short red dress, pairing it up with some red heals and applying a bit of makeup I was ready. I felt my hair in its natural waves. I went outside so I could have a fag while waiting for Damon.

Unfortunately he pulled up literally a minute after I lit my fag and nearly jumped out of the car, basically running over to me he grabbed the fag from my hand and threw it on the ground, stomping on it with his food. I looked up at him shocked while he was grinning.

"what the fuck would you do that for?" I snapped at him.

"I hate people Smoking, especially girls that are as stunning as you" he shrugged, his eyes travelling down the length of my body. I rolled my eyes, pushing past him and towards the car. "you're not going to be grumpy all evening are you?" he teased as he started the car.

I stayed silent until we arrived at the majors house. Damon opened the car door for me and offered his arm which I took but he didn't walk on, he only looked at me expecting something. I sighed." ill play nice don't worry" I smiled fakely.

"that's the spirit" Damon said way too enthusiasticly before he walked us into the house.

Jenna approached us nearly the second we got in "what's Damon doing here?" she frowned.

I didn't bother answering, I knew Damon would handle it but what I did was have a look around until I stopped Elijah talking to the mayor. He was looking at me already with a slight frown, we caught eye contact but I was brought out of it my Damon.

"well Alex needed a Date and I decided this tea party will be boring if I'm not here so I brought you all out of your misery, isn't that right Alex?" he elbowed me lightly.

"what? Mhhh yeah sure" I answered dismissively.

Jenna just shook her head before leaving to rejoin Ric who was of course fishing around in the drinks.

"lets go say hi to the host" Damon teased before steering us in the direction of Eljiah and the mayor who was overjoyed once she spotted Damon.

"Damon! What a suprise and Alex it's good to see you again. I hope both of you are enjoying yourselves." she said kindly.

I smiled at her politely and trying to not look at Elijah, Damon did the talking. "of course we are, Carol."

"oh Yes" Carol turned back to face Elijah again "Elijah this is Damon Salvatore, his family is one of the founding families of Mystic Falls. Damon, this is Elijah Williams, he's writing a book on small towns Virginia."

Damon and Elijah had an intense stare down, it looked to me as if they knew each other but regardless Damon offered him his hand to shake which Elijah took." Please to meet you Elijah" Damon said in a fakrly nice voice.

"No, Pleasure is mine Damon." Elijah replied with a straight face.

"Well I'll be seeing you around Carol, Elijah. I need to get Alex something to drink, right darling" Damon smirked at Elijah who didn't reveal any emotions on his face.

"Of course, Damon you look good together." Carol complimented.

"we're not together" I mumbled but I doubt she heard me, if she did she pretended not to as she walked away to greet other guests.

Damon turned to walk away with Alex but Elijah stepped forward and gently gripped her arm, "Damon how about you go and get Alex that drink while I chat with her? If you don't mind of course Alexandra" he smiled down at me politely.

"no I don't think so Mr. Williams" Damon said mockingly as if it wasn't Elijahs real name.

They started to have another stare down, this one seemed more threatening. "I insist" elijah said calmly.

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