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Alaric's POV

Everyone was getting ready for the Funreal, I still couldn't believe Jenna was dead, and Alex was a vampire. The two scenarios I was trying to protect them from happened at the same time. Everyone walked around the Salvatore Boarding House in a glum mood, I couldn't find Alex. I checked just about everywhere, "hey Damon, have you seen Alex I can't find her."

Damon frowned as he was walking down the stairs. "newbie vampire gone missing? That can never be good" he sniffed the air, "I can smell blood"

I rushed down, following Damon. We got down to the basement and found Alex. She lay asleep in a pool of blood, all the blood bags from the fridge were scattered around her, some were empty while others were ripped opened. My eyes widened at her blood soaked clothes, hands and chin.

I heard Damon curse as he shook her awake. "Ally, come on, get up"

She groaned as she sat up. "why do I have a headache?" she asked

"probably because you had a blood high last night" he said bluntly helping her up.

Alex gasped as she looked down at her hands and the floor. "did I..?"

"yes and now we've to restock" Damon complained.

Alex looked up at me with wide eyes, "it's okay Alex, you're new, it happens"

"at least it wasn't a person" Damon tried to comfort her but obviously made it worse.

Tears pooled in her eyes as she used her vampire speed to run upstairs. I turned towards Damon "how sensitive of you dick"

"hey I was only saying the truth" he put his hands up in the air for surrender.

I rolled my eyes and went to follow her, "will you teach her?" I asked

"we won't give her anymore blood till after the Funreal, once she gets a taste she'll go mental in there, ill take her out to feed later on" he nodded.

I nodded my head back at him in appreciation and walked towards Damon's room, I knew she'd be in there and I don't think she stayed in any other room any night she stays. I tried to not let it bother me but it did, Damon would ruin her it was obvious he was in love with Elena but I don't think Alex saw him that way anyway.

The shower was on when I walked in, sitting on the bed I waited. "oh hey Ric" she came out dressed in a black dress.

"hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"yeah it's just I'm not sure what happened, I just couldn't get enough, I couldn't control it Ric" she whispered obviously ashamed.

"it'll get easier, I promise" I smiled at her with encouragement.

"what if I can't control it around people Ric? Damon was right, at least it wasn't a person this time. What about next time?" she paced.

"there won't be a next time" I told her sternly. "you'll control it, now come on Al, we've a funreal to get to." I sighed.

Alex came closer and hugged me "I'm so sorry about Jenna Ric, It should've been me"

"don't you ever say that Al, I would hate to loose either of you but Im not sorry you're the one survived okay" I kissed the top of her head. Taking out a ring from my back pocket I handed it to her "Bonnie spelled it for you, it's a daylight Ring, if you dont--"

"wear it I'll burn yeah I know, more perks about being an immortal creature of the night" she rolled her eyes but slipped it onto her finger anyway. I chuckled shaking my head.

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