Sweet Sixteen

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Darcy's Pov

5:45 am

I suck at doing makeup. Penny is defiantly better at this.

I attempted to do my eyeshadow and that was a bust.

"Mum!" I whined, walking over to her bedroom where she was exiting. I'm never up this early but I needed extra time today.

"What did you do?" She asked, tilting my head and turning on the hall light to get a better look at my face.

"I- I don't know." I said.

She lead me to the bathroom and wiped off the disaster on my face then did it for me. I looked much better.

By 6:20 am I was straightening my hair because I hate my curls- they make me look like Shirley Temple only worse. I changed into my outfit in my bedroom and sprayed my perfume that my parents gave me last year for my birthday, I only wear it for special occasions.

Then I answered a few texts from my friends wishing me a happy birthday. Isaac texted me exactly at midnight and Penny texted at 12:30.

I glanced in the mirror a few times and got distracted with my phone for a bit and next thing I knew, it was 7 o'clock and I had to be downstairs to eat breakfast.

My family was creepily waiting for me with forced smiles on their faces and I couldn't help but go red in the face as I sat at my usual seat and they sang happy birthday to me.

"We love you so much." Mum said before placing a big stack of pancakes in front of me and kissing my cheek.

"You look so grown up." Dad pouted.

"She actually looks like a girl for once." Edward teased me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"A little too much." Dad frowned. "Can you put on an actual shirt please." He gestured to my blouse that showed a bit more cleavage than I would normally show.

"She's fine Harry, leaver her alone." My mum said and I thanked her.

"Are we having cupcakes today?" Ava excited asked.

"We're having cake, love." Dad said to her and cup up pieces of fruit to give her. "It's Darcy's birthday."

"I want little cakes." She frowned.

"On your birthday we can have cupcakes. We can order as many as you want." He said.

I finished breakfast in a hurry because Mia was outside to get us. She handed me a birthday card and Isaac gave me a bouquet of daisies, my favorite.

I gave him a giant bear hug and he wrapped his arms around me in return. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you again." I smiled.

"This is just part 1 of your present, you'll get the other gift later." He said.

"You know you don't have to go all out." I said.

"That's asking for trouble. If I don't get you a gift, world war three would break out." He chuckled.


At school I got so many compliments on my outfit and birthday wishes. A few of my close friends gave me cards and small gifts.

Kevin said he liked my hair and that was the best thing anyone has said to me all day. What if he didn't like me before because of my curly hair and now he likes this new look. My paranoia was at it's highest's until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

"Happy birthday!" Tommy practically shouted in my ear which earned a smack on the arm from Penny who was standing next to him. "Sweet sixteen, you're finally not a little pipsqueak anymore." He smiled.

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