Sunday Brunch

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Darcy's Pov

For as long as I could remember, we've had brunch on Sunday's. Usually it's just a family thing but occasionally we'll meet with the Tomlinson's, the Horan's, the Payne's, and the Malik's- although it's normally just Penny and one of her parents instead of both.

So today I woke up bright and early, I went on a jog with my dad- I won.

When we came back, mum was ironing my brother's clothes to wear and I kissed her on the cheek before rushing upstairs to shower.

My hair was frizzing up after only two days of being straight. I hate my natural hair, it makes me look like a child.

The dress my mum bought me the other day was hanging in my closet and I guess it's nice enough to wear for brunch today.

I tried my best to put my hair in a tight ponytail, making sure the curls were brushed back and I looked semi- decent.

I took off my charm bracelet when I got in the shower but now I'm putting it back on. Isaac is the sweetest. The heart is a cute first charm and I adore the whole thing. It makes it even better because he gave it to me and I love everything he ever gives me because he puts thought into it and always has the best intentions.

"Darcy..." Ava peeked her head into my room as I was putting my shoes on. "Can you put the bow in my hair, please?" She sweetly asked.

I patted the spot next to me and she came over to my bed and climbed up.

"Where's mum? She loves putting bows in your hair." I tried to gather all of her hair into a bun as neat as possible.

"She's kissing daddy right now and I wanted to be a big girl today."

"Is that why you asked me?" I scrunched up my nose at her and she mirrored my face. "At least you grabbed one that matches your dress, that's a start."

"Ava, love. Where are you?" Dad asked from the hallway after not finding her in her room.

"In Darcy's room." She happily said.

I finished her bun for her with the bow wrapped around it.

"Both of my beautiful girls. Are you two ready?" Dad asked.


The hotel that we reserve every Sunday was ready when we arrived. The Payne's were punctual as ever, always the first ones here. Our family arrived second then the Tomlinson's, Horan's, and Malik's followed.

Per usual, we had our "kid" table. I sat across from Isaac and next to Penny. Tommy sat on the opposite side of Isaac so he wouldn't have to face Penny. Bear, Freddie, Nicholas, Edward, and Ethan were sitting across from each other and Ava was on my other side.

"So... how was yesterday?" I decided to break the ice since neither Tommy or Penny were going to.

"Same as always." Penny mumbled.

"Nothing special." Tommy said at the same time as Penny.

Since brunch was a buffet, our younger brother's were piling their plates and stuffing their faces. Meanwhile, we were sitting in an awkward silence.

I took a bite out of my French toast just as Ava tapped my thigh.

"More blueberries, please." She pointed to her plate and looked up at me, very sweetly.

I got up and went over to the food again- thankful to breakaway from the awkwardness. I got a little bowl and scooped a spoonful of blueberries in it then walked back to the table and placed it in front of her.

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