The One With The Pink Tulips

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Friday (I accidently wrote this and released the timeline didn't add up so just pretend Thursday happened at some point. I'm not writing a chapter in between this one and the last one).


Darcy's Pov

Waking up to the sound of the bed hitting the wall wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear as soon as I woke up but it was.

My parents think they're still in their twenties with no children in the house or we're much younger and have no idea what they're doing but we do and it's disgusting.

I was more than happy to go into the bathroom and start the shower so I didn't have to endure much more of this.

Once I was done, I didn't hear anymore noise other than my brother's moving around in their rooms, getting ready.

I looked horrible, I have a pimple making it's way to live on my forehead and it's so embarrassing. I don't normally wear makeup but I used just a little to cover it and I feel like you can still see it.

I wasted twenty minutes of me panicking when really, it was okay.

I went downstairs to quickly eat something and my dad was making googly eyes at my mum the entire time. They were snickering and he got up to kiss her a few times. I don't even want to know what went on between them this morning.

"You're going to be late, lovies. Your lunch money is on the counter." Mum said to us. "Give me a kiss before you go."

Ethan, Edward, and I took the money off the counter and kissed mum's check before heading to the garage to leave.

It's my first day driving us to school and I couldn't be more excited. Well, I have to drop the boys off at the junior high school but still. Isaac texted me that Mia was taking him and Nicholas to school so I'm going to meet him there.

After dropping my brothers off at their school, I parked in the parking lot of mine and Penny was already waiting for me near her car so I parked next to her.

"I can't believe you didn't show me this in person yesterday!" She gasped. "It's beautiful."

"And this is the one I wanted but I didn't want to get my hopes up until I passed my test." I said.

"I'm jealous. We need to go for a drive." She circled the car as I got out.

"That's what I was thinking. The beach tomorrow?" I asked. "You, me, Isaac, and Tommy."

"Yes!" She said. "And by the way, I need your help with my date tonight."

I almost forgot about that. "Of course, I can't wait to doll you up for Tommy." I smirked.

She blushed and gently shoved me as we started walking towards our school building.

"It's not that big of a deal. He's probably just going to take me to an arcade or something." She shrugged.

"I don't know. Tommy seems like he's a hopeless romantic deep down inside." I teased.

"Speaking of dates. I know you told me everything last night but I want actual details about everything again. How he kissed you, how he held you, how he looked at you."

"Everything was great. It felt like I was in a movie... Minus Ava being there." I smiled. "He's so sweet and gentle and caring."

We were approaching our lockers now so we parted ways for a bit and I put my textbooks in my locker in exchange for my notebooks.

I have yet to see Isaac but so I was going to meet him at his locker when he decided to sneak up on me with Tommy right behind him.

"Hi, love." He squeezed me in an unexpected hug and I smiled at the gesture until I noticed the flowers he had in his right hand.

Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now