Be Alright

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"Penny, slow down." I said through the phone as she went on a huge rant after calling me at 7 in the morning. "Can you start from the beginning please, I didn't hear what you said."

"I'm never talking to that jerk again. He avoided me at your party yesterday, he didn't text me goodnight like he normally does and yes, I hate when he spams my phone to purposely annoy me but he always does it anyways." She said in all one breath.

"So you're mad at Tommy for not texting you goodnight?" I asked, slowly sitting up and stretching my limbs. I'm still half asleep but the sound of my phone ringing at max volume woke me up.

"No, I'm mad at him in general. He suddenly hates me after yesterday." She groaned.

"I don't know what to tell you... Give him time maybe?"

She sighed, "So texting him would be a bad thing?"


"Okay, so I'm supposed to wait until he reaches out to me? Great." She huffed. "This is Tommy we're talking about, he isn't a giant teddy bear like Isaac, he's the opposite of that. I can't believe I told him I like him. How do I even know for sure? We grew up together, of course we're gonna be close, I shouldn't have said anything though. What if it was just a one day thing and the next time I see him, I'll be repulsed by his scrawny shoulders and lack of facial hair?"

"Stop worrying about it, he'll come around to admitting he likes you soon." I said. "Now, can I go back to sleep please? I was in the middle of a perfectly good dream."

"Have fun dreaming in la la land while I have a mental breakdown." She sarcastically said and I rolled my eyes then hung up the phone.


Y/n's Pov

"They're still asleep." Harry whispered in my ear.

"I know but-" He attached his lips to mine to stop me from talking.

My voice got caught up in my throat and I couldn't help but moan quietly at the feeling of his tongue slipping into my mouth.

His body draped over mine before he relaxed on top of me and pressed his lower half against mine.

"What were you saying?" He smirked as he pulled away from me and I groaned, pulling him back down for another kiss.

He kissed me like we've been apart for years. Every ounce of love he could muster up was being transferred into this kiss and I didn't want it to end.

"Okay but we have to be quick and quiet, I don't want the kids to hear." I said.

"I have the quick part down, you just work on being quiet." He chuckled.

Since Harry only had on his boxers, and I also had on a pair along with a shirt, undressing was took no time at all.

Our blanket and sheet was over the both of us, Harry kissed my neck softly but decided to bite down on my most sensitive area, earning an inward groan from me.

Just then, there was a gentle knock on our door and Harry groaned, pulling away from me.

"Ten minutes alone, that's all we ask for." He sighed and flopped down next to me.

I giggled, siting up to go open our bedroom door.

"Good morning, bub." I said as I opened the door and seen Ethan standing in front of it, looking miserable. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go to footie practice today." He mumbled.

"Why not? You love football." I said.

Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now